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Revenues and Benefits online accounts and forms will be unavailable from 5 pm on 31 March 2025 until 3 April while we run our year end processes.  We apologise for the inconvenience.

Local referendums and petitions

Find information on referendums and petitions that have taken place in the borough and rules regarding petition signatures.

Regulation 4 of The Local Authorities (Referendums) (Petitions) (England) Regulations 2011 requires the Council to publish the total number of electors required to sign a petition requiring the Council to hold a referendum on whether the local authority should start to operate a mayor and cabinet executive or the committee system.

Here you can view the Referendums and Petitions Notice February 2025 (PDF, 180 KB)

Notice of valid petition

In the Matter of Guildford Borough Council and a Petition to Change the Council's Constitutional Arrangements

In the Matter of The Local Authorities (Referendums) (Petitions) (England) Regulations 2011

Notice of Valid Petition pursuant to Regulation 13(2)

A Petition has been received by the Council and amalgamated with earlier petitions (dated 18 May 2015, 11 February, 10 March, 31 March and 25 April 2016) which sought the same constitutional change (as required by regulation 8). This Amalgamated Petition has been determined to be a valid petition.  Accordingly a valid petition has been received

The reason for that determination is that to be valid such a petition must have 5,184 signatures (being 5% of the local government electors for the Council's area and known as the Verification Number) which comply with the formality and validity requirements of the Regulations.

There were 5,269 such signatures and the Amalgamated Petition is therefore valid pursuant to Regulation 9(1) (a).

The constitutional change sought by the Amalgamated Petition is that the Council should be run in a different way by a Mayor who is elected by voters for the area which the Council serves.

The Amalgamated Petition date (i.e. the date of the valid petition) was 25 April 2016.

The Amalgamated Petition is available at the Council's principal office at Millmead for inspection by members of the public at all reasonable times and free of charge.

The  address of the principal office of the Council (referred to as the authority in the Regulations) is Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey GU2 4BB.

A referendum will be held within six months of 25 April 2016.

Satish Mistry
Proper Officer
Director of Corporate Services & Monitoring Officer
23 May 2016

Notice of invalid petition

In the Matter of Guildford Borough Council and a Petition to Change the Council's Constitutional Arrangements.

In the Matter of the Local Authorities (Referendums) (Petitions) (England) Regulations 2011.

Notice of Invalid Petition pursuant to Regulation 14(2).

A Petition has been received by the Council and amalgamated with earlier petitions (dated 18 May 2015, 11 February 2016 and 10 March 2016) which sought the same constitutional change (Regulation 8). This Amalgamated Petition has been determined to be an invalid petition. 

The reason for that determination is that to be valid such a petition must have 5,012 signatures (being 5% of the local government electors for the Council's area and known as the Verification Number) which comply with the formality and validity requirements of the Regulations.

There were only 4,814 such signatures and the Amalgamated Petition is therefore invalid pursuant to Regulation 9 (1) (a).

The constitutional change sought by the Amalgamated Petition was that the Council should be run in a different way by a Mayor who is elected by voters for the area which the Council serves.

The petition date in respect of the Amalgamated Petition was 31 March 2016.

The Amalgamated Petition is available at the Council Offices at Millmead for inspection by members of the public at all reasonable times and free of charge.

The Council's address is Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey GU2 4BB

However, as the Amalgamated Petition is invalid only because it does not comply with Regulation 9 (1) (a), it may still be amalgamated with any subsequent petitions seeking the same constitutional change, which are submitted to the Council.

Satish Mistry
Proper Officer
7 April 2016

Notice of invalid petition

Notice of invalid petition (PDF, 185 KB) 

In the Matter of Guildford Borough Council and a Petition to Change the Council's Constitutional Arrangements

In the Matter of the Local Authorities (Referendums) (Petitions) (England) Regulations 2011

Notice of Invalid Petition pursuant to Regulation 14(2)

East Horsley Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

The East Horsley Neighbourhood Plan Referendum took place on 17 May 2018.

Effingham Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

The Effingham Neighbourhood Plan Referendum took place on 22 February 2018. 

Burpham Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

The Burpham Neighbourhood Plan Referendum took place on 18 February 2016.

Notice of invalid petition

The Local Authorities (Referendums) (Petitions) (England) Regulations 2011. Petition for Referendum to Change the Council's Constitutional Arrangements. Notice of Invalid Petition pursuant to Regulation 14(2)

A Petition has been received by the Council, which has been determined to be an invalid petition.

The reason for that determination is that to be valid such a petition must have 5,012 signatures (being 5% of the local government electors for the Council's area and known as the Verification Number) which comply with the formality and validity requirements of the Regulations.

There were only 3,570 such signatures and the Petition is therefore invalid pursuant to Regulation 9(1) (a).

The constitutional change sought by the Petition was that the Council should be run in a different way by a Mayor who is elected by voters for the area which the Council serves.

The Petition date was 18 May 2015.

The Petition is available at the Council Offices at Millmead House for inspection by members of the public at all reasonable times and free of charge.

The Council's address is Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey GU2 4BB.

However, as the Petition is invalid only because it does not comply with Regulation 9(1) (a), it may be amalgamated with any subsequent petitions seeking the same constitutional change, which are submitted to the Council

Satish Mistry
Proper Officer
17 June 2015