Equalities - reporting equality related harassment and hate crime
Why do we want to know about harassment and hate crime?
The Council wants to know if you have been the victim of harassment or crime related to equality, for example a racial incident or harassment because of a disability. This is because we want to do everything we can to stamp out such injustice and to promote good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people that do not.
How do I report harassment or hate crime?
You should report any incident to the police, but if you would like to inform us in confidence please contact our customer service team by calling 01483 505050.
What will happen when you make a report?
The details you provide will be recorded and held securely and confidentially. Subject to the circumstances we would do what we reasonably could to provide you with support, for example if the perpetrator were a Council tenant we would check whether they were in breach of their tenancy agreement.
How will we use the data gathered?
We will monitor levels of hate crime and use this data to inform our policies and decision making to make positive change where possible.