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List of representor statements - 5 June to 5 July 2018

This page contains the responses to the Inspector's matters, issues and questions from representors to the 2016 and 2017 Local Plan. Consultations for the Local Plan hearing sessions held from 5 June to 5 July 2018.

Representor responses to the Inspector's matters, issues and questions

Check the Index of representor responses to matters, issues and questions (PDF, 69 KB).

See the Downloads section of the page for a spreadsheet version of the index.

REP-10808833-001 Mr David Brandon (PDF, 21 KB)

REP-10847521-001 Andrew Procter Matters 2 3 6 7 8 9 11 (PDF, 147 KB)

REP-10933473-001 Parry Further Statement Matter 11 Policy A15 (PDF, 57 KB)

REP-11061345-001 DMH Stallard for Ewbanks Matters 2 3 (PDF, 203 KB)

REP-11189889-001 Woolf Bond OBO Taylor Wimpey Matters 1 2 3 4 9 11 A24 A25 A26 A35 A43 A43a (PDF, 10 MB)

REP-11268769-001 CBRE OBO Hallam and Consortium Matters 3 4 9 11 (PDF, 161 KB)

REP-11268769-001a CBRE OBO Hallam and Consortium Appendix A - Built Heritage (PDF, 798 KB)

REP-11268769-001b CBRE OBO Hallam and Consortium Appendix B - Landscape (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-11268769-001c CBRE OBO Hallam and Consortium Appendix C - Transport (PDF, 2 MB)

REP-11268769-001d CBRE OBO Hallam and Consortium Appendix D - Site Plan (PDF, 163 KB)

REP-11458241-001 Guildford Housing Forum Matter 2 Statement (PDF, 215 KB)

REP-11458241-001a Guildford Housing Forum Matter 2 Appendices (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-11458241-002 Guildford Housing Forum Matter 3 Statement (PDF, 173 KB)

REP-11458241-002a Guildford Housing Forum Matter 3 Appendices (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-11458241-003 Guildford Housing Forum Matter 4 Statement (PDF, 187 KB)

REP-11458241-003a Guildford Housing Forum Matter 4 Appendices (PDF, 5 MB)

REP-11458241-004 Guildford Housing Forum Matter 5 Statement (PDF, 203 KB)

REP-11458241-004a Guildford Housing Forum Matter 5 Appendices (PDF, 702 KB)

REP-11458241-005 Bewley Homes Matters 9 and 11 Appendices (PDF, 5 MB)

REP-11458241-005a Bewley Homes Matters 9 and 11 (PDF, 198 KB)

REP-11659905-001 Thakeham Homes Greenhill Burnside Chinthurst Lane Matter 9 (PDF, 63 KB)

REP-11847233-001 Savills OBO Wisley Property Investments Ltd. Examination Statement - WPIL (PDF, 574 KB)

REP-11847233-001a Savills OBO Wisley Property Investments Ltd. Appendix 1 - 180509 GBC WPIL SOCG signed (PDF, 496 KB)

REP-11847233-001b Savills OBO Wisley Property Investments Ltd. Appendix 2 - WPI-1-1 PoE Mr Keith Bradley (PDF, 133 MB)

REP-11847233-001c Savills OBO Wisley Property Investments Ltd. Appendix 3- WPI-2-1 Proof of evidence of Mr Michael Davies.pdf (PDF, 102 MB)

REP-11847233-001c Savills OBO Wisley Property Investments Ltd. Appendix 3- WPI-2-2 Appendices prf of evdnce Michael Davies.pdf (PDF, 141 MB)

REP-11847233-001d Savills OBO Wisley Property Investments Ltd. Appendix 4 - CLOSING SPEECH FINAL (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-12062017-001 Dandara Ltd Matters 1 2 4 5 9 with Appendices (PDF, 3 MB)

REP-15239169-001 GL Hearn OBO First Regional Estates Matter 11 (PDF, 202 KB)

REP-15239169-001a GL Hearn OBO First Regional Estates Matter 11 Appendix A - Gfd Stn Appeal Decision (PDF, 323 KB)

REP-15256225-001 Boyer OBO Trenfold and Countryside Matters 4 5 9 (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-15266273-001 Pegasus OBO Danescroft Matter 9 (PDF, 7 MB)

REP-15267521-001 Maddox Planning Matters 1 3 4 5 9 (PDF, 247 KB)

REP-15275009-001 Green Balance OBO Compton PC Matters 9 11 A26 (PDF, 831 KB)

REP-15275009-001a Green Balance OBO Compton PC Appendix 1 (PDF, 6 MB)

REP-15278369-001 Ripley Parish Council Matter 1 6 9 (PDF, 143 KB)

REP-15280737-001 Miller Developments Matter 1 2 3 4 5 9 11 (PDF, 670 KB)

REP-15398817-001 Kitewood Estates Matters 2 3 4 5 9 (PDF, 216 KB)

REP-15441409-001 Robert E Beale Matter 9 (PDF, 40 KB)

REP-15672545-001 Future Planning and Development OBO Send Surrey Letter to the Inspector (PDF, 209 KB)

REP-15672545-002 Future Planning and Development OBO Send Surrey Send Surrey Opinion from Andrew Tabachnik.pdf (PDF, 81 KB)

REP-15689793-001 Gladman Developments Matter 3 (PDF, 253 KB)

REP-15705537-001 G-Bug Matters 9 (PDF, 106 KB)

REP-15805601-001 Guildford Greenbelt Group (PDF, 2 MB)

REP-15805601-001a Guildford Greenbelt Group GGG Appendix 1 - GGG Objection to GBC Local Plan 20 July 2017.pdf (PDF, 356 KB)

REP-15805601-001b Guildford Greenbelt Group GGG GGG Appendix 2 - GGG Objection to GBC Local Plan 16 July 2016 1.1.pdf (PDF, 3 MB)

REP-15805921-001 CBRE for Ashill Matters 1 2 3 4 5 9 (PDF, 256 KB)

REP-15805921-002 RPS for Ashill Matters 1 4 5 6 9 11 (PDF, 396 KB)

REP-15805921-002a RPS for Ashill Appendix A - Site Location Plan - 2263-A-1000-C (1) (PDF, 98 KB)

REP-15806849-001 Ptarmigan Land Matters 3 4 6 11 (PDF, 4 MB)

REP-16206593-001 Turley OBO Bloor Homes 2 3 4 5 6 9 11 A25 (PDF, 4 MB)

REP-17243169-001 RSPB Matters 1 5 11 (PDF, 271 KB)

REP-17308737-001 RE Planning OBO Crimson Project Management Matter 9 (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-17308737-002 RE Planning OBO Crimson Project Management Matter 11 (PDF, 880 KB)

REP-17320801-001 Terence O'Rourke OBO M&G Real Estate Matter 11 A5 A7 (PDF, 82 KB)

REP-17321665-001 Savills OBO BOC Ltd Matter 7 (PDF, 76 KB)

REP-17323713-001 Shrimplin OBO Obsidian Matters 2 3 4 5 9 (PDF, 2 MB)

REP-17340193-001 Surya Hotels Matter 6 (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-17341057-001 Roger Daniels for Sustainable Land Matters 2 4 5 9 11 (PDF, 6 MB)

REP-17348225-001 Thakeham Homes Chinthurst Lane Matter 9 (PDF, 59 KB)

REP-17359489-001 R and R Connor Matter 11 A15 (PDF, 39 KB)

REP-17380865-001 Turley OBO Crownhall Estates Matters 9 11 (PDF, 4 MB)

REP-8580225-001 Planit OBO Crownhall Estates Matter 9 (PDF, 220 KB)

REP-8580225-001a Planit OBO Crownhall Estates APPENDIX 1 - ACD Environmental Statement (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-17397857-001 JB Planning OBO Countryside Properties MATTER 9 (PDF, 2 MB)

REP-17406209-001 Guildford Vision Group - Hearing Statement (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-17406209-001a GVG - Hearing Statement - Appendix 1 - part 1.pdf (PDF, 53 MB)

REP-17406209-001a GVG - Hearing Statement - Appendix 1 - part 2.pdf (PDF, 59 MB)

REP-17406209-001a GVG - Hearing Statement - Appendix 1 - part 3.pdf (PDF, 45 MB)

REP-17406209-001b GVG - Hearing Statement - Appendix 2 (PDF, 81 KB)

REP-17406209-001c GVG - Hearing Statement - Appendix 3 (PDF, 37 KB)

REP-17415009-001 Roger Daniels OBO Lightwood Strategic Matters 2 4 5 9 11 (PDF, 4 MB)

REP-17426113-001 Home Builders Federation Matters 2 3 4 5 6 9 (PDF, 169 KB)

REP-17434817-001 Jenny Wicks Matter 11 A43a (PDF, 55 KB)

REP-17443617-001 Thakeham Homes Matters 1 6 9 (PDF, 771 KB)

REP-17443617-001a Thakeham Homes APPENDIX 1 AND 2 (PDF, 10 MB)

REP-17443617-001b Thakeham Homes Appendix 3 and 4 (PDF, 4 MB)

REP-17457825-001 Wisley Action Group Matters 1 3 4 9 10 11 (PDF, 129 KB)

REP-17457825-001a Wisley Action Group Appendix 1 (PDF, 214 KB)

REP-17461921-001 Turley OBO Linden Matters 1 3 (PDF, 14 MB)

REP-17463841-001 Nexus OBO Earl of Onslow Clandon Estate Matters 1 2 3 4 5 9 11 (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-17467233-001 Guildford College Group Matter 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 (PDF, 389 KB)

REP-17467233-001a Guildford College Group Appendix 1 (PDF, 406 KB)

REP-17524097-001 Lambert Smith Hampton OBO Robert Howard Matters 4 6 9 (PDF, 259 KB)

REP-17976417-001 Thakeham Homes Manor Farm Matter 6 11 A38 (PDF, 62 KB)

REP-18149000-001 Foddy Consult OBO Guildford Cathedral Matter 11.3 (PDF, 690 KB)

REP-18149000-001a Foddy Consult OBO Guildford Cathedral Appendix 1 - LocalPlan_Submission Brochure_18 7 16 (PDF, 3 MB)

REP-18149000-001b Foddy Consult OBO Guildford Cathedral Appendix 2 - 15_P_02284-COMMITTEE_REPORT-1011332 (PDF, 352 KB)

REP-18149000-001c Foddy Consult OBO Guildford Cathedral Appendix 3 - AssonAssociates Maufe setting of Guildford Cathedral (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-18149000-001d Foddy Consult OBO Guildford Cathedral Appendix 4 Historic England (ZIP, 1 MB)

REP-8556385-001 GRA Matters 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 (PDF, 839 KB)

REP-8561377-001 Guildford Society 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A25 A26 A33 A35 (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-8561377-001a Guildford Society Appendix 1 (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-8561377-001b Guildford Society Appendix 2 (PDF, 467 KB)

REP-8561377-001c Guildford Society Appendix 3 (ZIP, 204 KB)

REP-8561377-001d Guildford Society Appendix 4 (ZIP, 348 KB)

REP-8561377-001e_GSoc-EIP-Submission-APPENDIX5-1_Part1 (PDF, 53 MB)

REP-8561377-001e_GSoc-EIP-Submission-APPENDIX5-1_Part2 (PDF, 59 MB)

REP-8561377-001e_GSoc-EIP-Submission-APPENDIX5-1_Part3 (PDF, 45 MB)

REP-8563169-001 Send Parish Council Matters 9 11 A43 A43a A58 (PDF, 175 KB)

REP-8563201-001 Colin Smith Planning OBO West Horsley PC Matters 4 9 11 (PDF, 337 KB)

REP-8563201-001a Colin Smith Planning OBO West Horsley PC Appendices (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-8573793-001 Harry Eve Matter 9 (PDF, 106 KB)

REP-8574369-001 Douglas French Matters 9 and 11 (PDF, 71 KB)

REP-8581505-001 Burpham Neighbourhood Forum Matters 9 11_Redacted (PDF, 2 MB)

REP-8585601-001 Jennie Kyte Matters 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 (PDF, 93 KB)

REP-8593185-001 Niels Laub Matter 2 6 (PDF, 596 KB)

REP-8595009-001 Compton Village Association Matter 11 A26 (PDF, 493 KB)

REP-8595009-001a ComptonVAM 11 A26 Appendix 1 - Traffic Report - GJohn Surveys (PDF, 637 KB)

REP-8599201-001 Richard Jarvis Matters 4 9 11 (PDF, 112 KB)

REP-8599201-001a Appendix to Richard Jarvis Matters 4 9 11 (PDF, 120 KB)

REP-8599937-001 Richard Cooke Development Planning Consultants Matters 1 9 11 A22 (PDF, 396 KB)

REP-8599937-001a Richard Cooke Development Planning Consultants Matters Appendix 1 a22 further plans (PDF, 3 MB)

REP-8602337-001 Cross Group Local Plan Responses (PDF, 2 MB)

REP-8605793-001 Astenbell Ltd Nigel Sturgess Matter 6 and 11 - A43 (PDF, 2 MB)

REP-8607169-001 CPRE Surrey Matters 2 3 4 9 (PDF, 611 KB)

REP-8609217-001 W Clandon PC (PDF, 142 KB)

REP-8609217-001a W Clandon PC Guildford Plan A247 West Clandon - Examples_V2 (002) (PDF, 2 MB)

REP-8627393-001 Worplesdon PC Matter 11 A22 (PDF, 657 KB)

REP-8729313-001 Lisa Wright Matters 9 11 A26_Redacted (PDF, 53 KB)

REP-8729313-001a Lisa Wright Matters 9 11 A26 Appendices (ZIP, 4 MB)

REP-8749121-001 Mr and Mrs Paton Matters 10 11 A35 (PDF, 705 KB)

REP-8803841-001 Theo Wallace Matters 9 11 (PDF, 42 KB)

REP-8810017-001 Alison White other representors Matters 9 and 11 (PDF, 65 KB)

REP-8825057-001 Merrow Residents Association Matters 2 4 11 A25 A43 (PDF, 118 KB)

REP-8834689-001 Lichfields OBO Solum Hearing Matter 11 A7 (PDF, 4 MB)

REP-8858113-001 R Nagaty Matters 1 6 11 A26 (PDF, 448 KB)

REP-8858113-001a R Nagaty Annex 1 - Email from D Yell to K Stevens (24-3-2017)_Redacted (PDF, 213 KB)

REP-8858113-001b R Nagaty Annex 2 - Email from M Furniss to K Stevens (19-05-17)_Redacted (PDF, 152 KB)

REP-8858113-001c R Nagaty Annex 3 - Email from C Cross to S Mistry (18-06-2016)_Redacted (PDF, 78 KB)

REP-8858113-001d R Nagaty Annex 4 - A vision of the future of sciences parks - Parry (PDF, 485 KB)

REP-8858113-001e R Nagaty Annex 5 - Surrey's Provisional Local Transport Plan 1999 (PDF, 402 KB)

REP-8858113-001f R Nagaty Annex 6 (PDF, 11 MB)

REP-8858113-001g R Nagaty Annex 7 - Excerpts from supplementary sheet to Living at the Limit (PDF, 92 KB)

REP-8858113-001h R Nagaty Annex 8 - google traffic maps A31 (PDF, 5 MB)

REP-8858113-001i R Nagaty Annex 9 - Blackwell Farm - Photographs into and out of the AONB (final) (PDF, 3 MB)

REP-8921793-001-2-3 Graham Richings Matters 6 _Redacted (PDF, 110 KB)

REP-8929057-001 East Horsley Parish Council Matter 9 11 A35 (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-8944737-001 Barton Wilmore Martin Grant Homes Matters 2 3 4 9 11 (PDF, 4 MB)

REP-8967233-001 Terence O'Rourke OBOB University of Surrey Matters 4 5 6 9 11 A26 (PDF, 127 KB)

REP-8967233-001a Terence O'Rourke OBOB University of Surrey Appendices_LR (PDF, 10 MB)

REP-8973377-001 Lichfields OBO Cassidy Slyfield Matters 7 9 (PDF, 231 KB)

REP-8973377-001a Lichfields OBO Cassidy Slyfield Appendices (PDF, 9 MB)

REP-9327329-001 A2 Dominion Matters 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 11 and Appendix 3 (PDF, 504 KB)

REP-9327329-001a A2 Dominion Appendix 1 - Ash and Tongham Plan (PDF, 2 MB)

REP-9327329-001b A2 Dominion Appendix 2 - Note on AMR (PDF, 194 KB)

REP-9327329-001c A2 Dominion Appendix 4 TN Question 11.20 - (PDF, 2 MB)

REP-9327329-001d A2 Dominion Appendix 5 Start to Finish Report (PDF, 4 MB)

REP-9332193-001 Green Balance OBO Save the Hogs Back Campaign Matters 9 11 A26 (PDF, 2 MB)

REP-17323169-001 WYG OBO Newship Group WYG OBO Newship Group (PDF, 149 KB)

REP-17323169-001a WYG OBO Newship Group Appendix 1 LSH Report (PDF, 99 KB)

REP-17323169-001b WYG OBO Newship Group Appendix 2 LVA Report for Burnt Common Nurseries (PDF, 9 MB)

REP-17323169-001d WYG OBO Newship Group Appendix 4 Photographs (PDF, 1 MB)

REP-17457825-002 Wisley Action Group - Guildford Local Plan HRA notes (PDF, 108 KB)

REP-8944737-002 Barton Willmore obo Martin Grant Homes Range of OAN from GBC and Forum figs v3 (PDF, 87 KB)

REP-11458241-006 Guildford Housing Forum Testing OAN Note (PDF, 51 KB)

REP-15805601-002 Agenda Item 2 Submission - Guildford Greenbelt Group (PDF, 52 KB)

REP-17467233-002 Indigo Planning for Guildford College Group Constraints and OAN (PDF, 87 KB)

REP-17467233-003 Indigo Planning obo Guildford College Group Calverton PC v Various Councils High Court Case No CO 4846 2014 (PDF, 272 KB)

REP-17406209-002 Summary GVG Plan vs GBC June 2018 (PDF, 18 MB)

REP-17406209-003 PRP obo Guildford Vision Group Chapter 6 London Plan (PDF, 126 KB)

REP-8605793-002 Astenbell Self-Build Trajectory (PDF, 44 KB)

REP-15746081-001 - Request for update from Highways England _Redacted (PDF, 679 KB)

REP-17463841-002 - Discussion Paper on Market Signals Uplifts and OAN - Lichfields (PDF, 671 KB)

REP-11189889-002 5yr HLS Scenarios - Woolf Bond Planning for Taylor Wimpey (PDF, 263 KB)

REP- 8749121-001a Mr and Mrs Paton Appendices v2 (PDF, 8 MB)

REP-11847233-002 Savilles obo Wisley Property Investments - Delivery trajectory for Wisley New Settlement Allocation A35 (PDF, 119 KB)

REP-15805601-002 GGG SoCG and proposed amendments to GBC Policy S3 - 4-7-18 (PDF, 388 KB)

REP-17406209-002 GVG Draft SoCG and proposed amendments to GBC policies 2-7-18 (PDF, 603 KB)