List of representor statements - 12 and 13 February 2019
This page contains the responses to the Inspector's resumed hearing matters for the Local Plan hearing sessions held on 12 and 13 February 2019.
Responses to the Inspector's resumed hearing matters
REP-11268769-002 Hearing Statement January 2019 CBRE for Land at Bridge End Farm FINAL (PDF, 123 KB)
REP-12062017-002 Guildford Matters and Issues ID12 Hearing Statement (Dandara Ltd) (PDF, 293 KB)
REP-15267521-002 190122-Statement (resumed hearings)(final) (PDF, 110 KB)
REP-15280737-002 Carter Jonas obo Miller - Guildford Local Plan EiP Additional Matters (PDF, 475 KB)
REP-15666113-001-A1 BDW Savills policy-response---housing-need---september-2018 (PDF, 901 KB)
REP-15805601-002 (PDF, 510 KB)
REP-15805921-002 CBRE obo Ashill - January 2019 Hearing Statement (PDF, 127 KB)
REP-15806849-002 190123 Ptarmigan Land_Hearing Statement_FINAL (PDF, 275 KB)
REP-16206593-002 Turley obo Bloor Homes Guildford Local Plan Examination (PDF, 285 KB)
REP-17406209-002 PRP obo Guildford Vision Group (PDF, 212 KB)
REP-17426113-002 HBF Statement for Further Hearings - Guildford Final (PDF, 298 KB)
REP-17457825-002 WAG and OPC Statement for Resumed Hearings 12 and 13 Feb 2019 (PDF, 144 KB)
REP-17457825-003 WAG NMSS notes on GL Hearn OAN update-1 (PDF, 206 KB)
REP-1798957-005 DN.GHF.Reconvened EiP.21.01.19 v4 FINAL (PDF, 1 MB)
REP-1798957-005-A1 DN,GHF Appendix 1 GHF Assumptions January 2019[1] (PDF, 478 KB)
REP-1798957-005-A2 DN.GHF Appendix 2 - FORUM Trajectories Jan 2019 (PDF, 580 KB)
REP-1798957-005-A3 DN.GHF Appendix 3 - 5yr HLS Jan 2019 (PDF, 49 KB)
REP-1798957-005-A4 DN.GHF Appendix 4 - Woking BC Council Report Oct 2018 (PDF, 701 KB)
REP-8556385-002 GRA response Matters Resumed EiP Guildford Feb 2019 fvam2 (PDF, 853 KB)
REP-8581505-002 Burpham Neighbourhood Forum (PDF, 322 KB)
REP-8593185-002 Statement by Niels Laub January 2019 V3 (PDF, 413 KB)
REP-859993-002 Development Planning Consultants main mods feb 2019 hearing (PDF, 76 KB)
REP-8607169-002 CPRE Response to ID-12 (PDF, 162 KB)
REP-882057-002 Merrow RA Response 21st January 2019 (PDF, 317 KB)
REP-8908513-001 BCA Response to Inspector's Questions (PDF, 176 KB)