The Local Validation List

The Local Validation List was last updated and reviewed on 7 July 2021. Some application types (such as Discharge of Conditions) do not have local requirements.

What is the Local Validation List? 

Every type of planning application needs to include particular details about the project. You need to give different details for each application type.

Select your application type below to see which details we need.

If your application is not listed, there are no local requirements. Instead, you only need to submit the information listed on the Planning Portal (opens new window).

We recommend you submit and pay for all applications on the Planning Portal (opens new window). If you do not want to use the Planning Portal, you will need to complete an online payment form on our website. 

To build a new development, you'll also need to check the local drainage requirements.

Householder applications

Applications for:

Full planning permission

Applications for:

Outline permission

Applications for:

Listed Building consent

Reserved matters

Applications for:

Advertisement consent

Lawful Development Certificates

Applications for:

Prior notifications

Applications for:

Non-material amendments to planning approval

Trees and hedgerows