Collection and scattering of ashes

Ashes collected by the funeral director
If you have asked your funeral director to collect the remains for you, these will usually be available the day following the cremation.
If you need the ashes for a specific reason such as a laying to rest event booked the day after the service, please tell us so that we can make sure they are available for collection in time. Your funeral director will then come to the crematorium and pick the ashes up for you and arrange for collection by you.
Ashes collected by the family
The person completing the cremation paperwork (known as the applicant of the cremation) may collect the ashes or may nominate someone else to do so on their behalf.
If you would like yourself or a nominated person to collect the ashes, please tell us so that we can make sure they are available for collection in time. We can make sure they are available from the day after the cremation from the bereavement services office, which is signposted from the main entrance. Please note: we don't contact you to organise a time to collect.
Please bring a formal photo identity document, such as a passport or photocard driving licence, so that we can release ashes to you.
Scattering of ashes
The Glades
We have several areas of the gardens of remembrance where ashes may be laid to rest by scattering them onto the ground.
This is always done with one of our staff in attendance and family/ friends may wish to witness the laying to rest or may choose not to be present on the day.
If you do not want to be there for the scattering of the ashes, they will be laid to rest within a number of weeks after the service. There is no charge for this.
The scattering areas of the gardens of remembrance are called our glades areas and there are seven glades within the grounds.
In order to keep the natural feel of these areas, it is not possible to have a memorial here, but natural flowers without cellophane wrapping may be placed on the ground. (These will be removed after a few days.)
While our records will note an area, for example west or east glade, no exact location of the ashes is marked within those areas.
For memorial options in the gardens of remembrance, see our memorial choices page.
Internment of ashes
Ashes interred at the crematorium are laid to rest underneath a layer of soil in a gridded plot system and a plot location will be given for the area.
When the laying to rest has taken place, one of our staff will put back the layer of soil and the area is laid to lawn again. To preserve the natural feel of the grounds, no memorial or markers are permitted within this section of the gardens but natural flowers without cellophane wrapping may be placed on the ground (they will be removed after a few days).
A temporary marker may be placed at the location for a few days for the benefit of people visiting for anniversaries. Please contact the crematorium at least 24 hours before visiting.
Other options
We also have a number of other option, such as vaults - see our Memorial choices page. We recommend you make an appointment to come and look at the gardens of remembrance and talk through the options before you make a decision as to what area of the gardens you wish the ashes to be laid to rest.
For any enquiries regarding burials or interments at this cemetery, contact the bereavement services office based at Guildford Crematorium on 01483 444711.
Apply to exhume human remains
You must apply for a licence to remove buried human remains (or cremated remains) (opens new window) from a grave or memorial. Get in touch with bereavement services team before you complete the application.
Guildford Crematorium, New Pond Road, Godalming GU7 3DB
If using sat nav, you may need to enter New Pond Road, Compton, GU7 3DB or B3000, Godalming, GU7 3DB.