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Your council tax, benefits or business rates account will be offline

From 5pm on Tuesday 11 February until |Monday 17 February you will not be able to access your council tax, benefits or business rates account online. This is whilst we prepare annual bills. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Business rates records

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You can access data from the council's business rate records.

This page gives access to the following information as of 1 April 2024 for all properties that are rated.

You can see the:

  • property reference, which is used by the Valuation Office Agency
  • property address
  • property description
  • 31/03/2017 rateable value (where it exists, this is the last rateable value on the 2010 rating list)
  • 2017 rateable value as of 31 March 2023
  • current rateable value as of 1 April 2024
  • annual charge (rateable value x small multiplier for rateable values under £51,000 and standard for everything else)
  • amount of supplement included in the annual charge for files prior to 2024 only
  • transitional reduction to phase in increases as a result of the 2023 revaluation
  • whether a property is empty or occupied, where the ratepayer is not an individual or individuals (yes or no or not applicable when it is an individual)
  • if empty the date the property became vacant
  • if empty whether an exemption applies (either under the rateable value threshold, three months, six months, listed or other)
  • whether small business rate relief applies (yes or no)
  • whether mandatory or discretionary relief applies (yes or no)
  • the percentage of mandatory or discretionary relief, where appropriate
  • whether rural rate relief applies (yes or no)
  • supporting small business relief (yes or no)
  • retail discount (yes or no)
  • ratepayer's name
  • ratepayer's correspondence address 

Ratepayer names and addresses are shown where the account is not in an individual's name. Data protection means we cannot publish individual names. Where an address is flagged as C/O or FAO, contains an individual name or reference, it has been removed from the 2024 data.

The ratepayer is the person who must pay the charge. Often this is a leaseholder and not an owner. It is not possible to identify the owners from our records. Account references are not included as these are personal to the account.

View business rates information 2017-2024

Freedom of Information requests 

We have had Freedom of Information requests for mandatory and discretionary rate relief start dates. The start date is not a separate item of information on our records and is unavailable.  For organisations with charitable status, relief will normally start from the later of either the date they got the status, or the date they had to start paying business rates. 

Data files 

We get many Freedom of Information requests for historic information. We are publishing previous data files. Not all the information available in the current file is included. This is because the files have changed over time. Providing the missing information retrospectively is not possible as it would be time-consuming.

If you are buying or leasing a property

If you are looking to move into a property in the borough this information will provide a guide to costs. You must check the details before making a decision. Rate reliefs need specific criteria to be met before they apply. Rateable values are subject to change because of appeals and changes to premises. The information provided on this page is a snapshot only.

How often do we publish our records? 

We moved resources to COVID Business Support in 2021, as a result we have not published data for 2021.

We will publish the next list in April 2025. We will then publish it every year.