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Thames Basin Heaths special protection area SPD

Read the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Avoidance Strategy 2017 Supplementary Planning Document.  (PDF) [5MB] (opens new window)

This SPD contains guidance for developers whose work could impact the Thames Basin Heaths SPA. It has steps to protect the area from negative impacts of development.

The SPA Strategy sets out tariffs for new residential development that pay for:

  • suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces (SANGs) - new open spaces that attract visitors away from the SPA, and;
  • the Strategic Access Management and Monitoring (SAMM) project, which mitigates the impact of SPA visitors

The tariffs are based on the average number of people living in homes of different sizes.

Special Protection Area Tariffs SPD

We're consulting on a draft Special Protection Area Tariffs SPD between 8 May and 12 June 2024. View and respond to the consultation (opens new window)
This document:

  • reflects updates to the occupancy data in the 2021 National Census.
  • updates the guidance on how the tariffs should be applied.

The tariffs are updated every year at the end of March to take account of inflation. See the annual tariff update.

Read more documents relating to the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area SPD: