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Planned maintenance to our payment system

You'll be unable to make payments to us from 8pm until 10pm Sunday 2 June. This is for essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Rough sleeping

How can you help a rough sleeper?

We welcome any information that helps us to help those who need it.

If you see a person you believe may be rough sleeping you can:

  • contact the HOST team directly via email or call 01483 302495
  • use Streetlink below (the national rough sleeper help line)

Visit Streetlink website to find out more (opens new window)

What happens next?

Our HOST team usually responds to reports of rough sleepers within 24 hours. We contact the person in need. Once they have agreed to accept our support, we work with each person to:

  • offer help
  • understand their problems

HOST works with a range of agencies to give people access to services that suit their needs. They also help with getting them into to the Number Five Hub. (opens new window) This offers short term emergency accommodation. 

Guildford residents have priority for Number Five Hub. The beds are open to anyone in need, if a bed is available. HOST then works with people to secure a move into longer term accommodation.

The help offered to rough sleepers depends on:

  • each person's circumstances
  • their support needs