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Heavy rain is forecast in Guildford

Plan ahead to protect yourself from flooding. Find out how to prepare for flooding.

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Guildford Community Lottery brings big wins for local charities

We're celebrating a successful quarter in our Guildford Community Lottery. Through our lottery, we provide support to local charities while giving our residents the chance to win exciting prizes.

It's win-win when you fundraise with Guildford Community Lottery

If you're a local charity, our Guildford Community Lottery is your fundraising solution. Right now, if you're a good cause, there's an extra reason to sign up...

Why does our Local Plan matter?

Our Local Plan plays a crucial role in shaping the future of our borough. A Local Plan isn't just a bureaucratic document - it's a roadmap for where we're headed. It affects every aspect of our daily lives - from where we live and work to how we enjoy leisure activities.​

Community gets involved at Ash Road Bridge

During July community groups and students from Ash Manor School were invited on site to find out how the bridge is progressing.