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Your council tax, benefits or business rates account will be offline

From 5pm on Tuesday 11 February until |Monday 17 February you will not be able to access your council tax, benefits or business rates account online. This is whilst we prepare annual bills. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Air Pollution and Local Air Quality Management (LAQM)

Air pollution can have a negative impact on your health.

We must:

  • identify air quality concerns
  • take action to improve air quality

Legislation and Local Air Quality Management

The Environment Act 1995 places air quality duties with local authorities.

To improve air quality, we must follow the Local Air Quality Objectives (LAQM), which are to:

  • Monitor
  • Assess
  • Take action

The Air Quality England Regulations 2000 (opens new window) details limits which apply under the LAQM.

Air Quality Strategy

The Air Quality Strategy 2023: Framework for Local Authority delivery. (opens new window)

This sets out powers and responsibilities as per government expectations for local authorities.

How you can help tackle poor air quality:

  • refer to our air quality pages on wood burners and alternatives to domestic bonfires
  • take part in community initiatives for example such as a school walking bus or a car share scheme
  • report air quality issues to us
  • see where our Air Quality Management Areas are
  • read the Smoke Control Guidelines which apply to the smoke control areas
  • avoid engine idling if you're waiting more than 30 seconds
  • if you're a business, promote sustainable transport through travel planning

Developers can contribute by:

  • making sure you have effective dust control measures 
  • contacting us (by email) if you're using a concrete crusher
  • using low emission vehicles for deliveries
  • developing and implementing a Construction Traffic Management Plan
  • using low emission non road mobile machineries (NRMM) on construction sites