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Green light given on our new ten-year Corporate Strategy

Millmead offices

Our new ten-year Corporate Strategy (2024 - 2034) was approved at Full Council on Tuesday 23 July. It outlines our vision for making Guildford a thriving place to live, work and do business.

The aim of our Corporate Strategy is to ensure all residents, businesses, and visitors benefit from:

  • economic prosperity
  • feel valued
  • receive excellent council services

The Corporate Strategy is the cornerstone of our strategic framework. It aligns with our  Improvement Plan, which has been in place since February and has already achieved significant progress.

Over the next decade, our five key priorities will drive and shape our future strategies and plans.

Our five key priorities are:

  1. A more sustainable borough 
    We are committed to becoming a more socially and environmentally responsible borough.
  2. A more prosperous borough 
    We will ensure that Guildford borough is a place where business can thrive and that the benefits of that are felt by all our residents.
  3. A more inclusive borough 
    We want Guildford to be a welcoming borough where people of diverse identities feel valued, respected, included, supported, and represented.
  4. Decent and affordable homes
    We will ensure that local people have access to decent homes that they can afford.
  5. A resilient and well-managed council 
    We are committed to public service, we exist to serve our residents, businesses, and visitors. We will ensure the services we provide are relevant, innovative, and accessible.

Leader of the Council, Cllr Julia McShane said:

"We're dedicated to enhancing the lives of everyone who calls Guildford borough home. The decisions we make today will lay the foundations for our work over the next ten years. Our Corporate Strategy is crystal clear about our priorities moving forward. We want to work with residents, businesses and partners to achieve success and, importantly, to be held accountable by them. We're confident that this new strategic framework will create a more socially and environmentally responsible borough. This plan will enable businesses to thrive, ensure everyone feels valued, and provide access to decent, affordable homes for all."  

Lead Councillor for Community and Organisational Development, Cllr Carla Morson said:

"Our Corporate Strategy demonstrates our unwavering commitment to excellence and the continued prosperity of our borough. Being clear about our priorities is essential for Guildford's success. We are committed to making Guildford a thriving place to live, work, and do business. By defining clear outcomes, we invite the community to get involved and hold us accountable. Together, we can achieve great things for Guildford."

Chief Executive of Guildford and Waverley Borough Councils, Pedro Wrobel added:

"Our Corporate Strategy is clear about our priorities and the outcomes we want to achieve over the next ten years. By making those outcomes clear, we empower everyone to work together. We will build on the progress made through our Improvement Plan. Manage and monitor our finances diligently, and relentlessly strive to deliver the highest quality services for our residents and businesses, ensuring the best possible value for money."

Read the full 2024 - 2034 Corporate Strategy

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