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Find out about the Mayor of Guildford

Mayor's Award for Service to the Community

Do you know someone who has done exceptional work in the community to improve the lives of others or foster good relationships? If the answer is 'yes' the Mayor would like to hear from you.

The Mayor's Award for Service to the Community aims to recognise and encourage positive community working in the Borough of Guildford.

Since 2004 over 500 residents of Guildford have been recognised for their contribution to the local community. The award is presented personally by the Mayor. It provides an opportunity to publicly thank anyone who is carrying out a voluntary role that is adding to the general wellbeing of their community. More importantly, it recognises the invaluable service they provide; work that is often carried out very quietly and without seeking anything in return.

To nominate someone for the award, you can: 

You will find guidance to help you complete your nomination within the form.

Please check the list of previous recipients before completing your nomination (Excel doc, 94 KB)

Telephone: 01483-444031
Write to: Mayor's Award for Service to the Community
The Mayor's Parlour
Millmead House

The deadline for nominations is 5pm on Monday 17 February 2025. Successful nominees will be invited to attend an awards event towards the end of the Mayoral year.