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Slyfield community recycling centre closure

The Slyfield community recycling centre will be closed from 15 June to 30 June 2024 for essential maintenance. Find out more about alternative community recycling centres. (opens new window)

Find organisations that can help your business

Doing business in Guildford

Guildford is home to many organisations that could help your business. Our business support partners are ready to offer support to your company.

If you have a query, contact our business team by emailing

Business advice from Enterprise M3

You can get free business advice and mentoring provided by the Enterprise M3 Growth Hub. Support is available to start-ups and current businesses in Guildford.

Find out more about the Enterprise M3 Growth Hub (opens new window)

University of Surrey

The University of Surrey promotes business engagement and sharing knowledge in many ways.

To learn more, contact the university's Business Enterprise Programmes team.

Visit the University of Surrey's website. (opens new window)

Business South Champions

Becoming a Business South Champion could be beneficial for your organisation. As a champion, you become a member of the largest business network in the south.

Guildford Borough Council is a member of the Business South Champions Programme. We receive regular strategic advice on economic matters.

Learn more information about future events on the Business South website (opens new window).

Employment and skills

Guildford Online Job Club

A free virtual Job Club is available for Guildford residents.

The job club:

  • can support up to 100 members
  • helps school leavers and graduates
  • is open to the unemployed and those facing redundancy

The Job Club is part of the council's Skills for Employment initiative.


The Apprenticeship & Skills Hub (opens new window) offer free advice on apprenticeship and skills training. To find out more email:

Other organisations that can help your business

Surrey Chambers of Commerce

The Chambers provide regular business-to-business events and networking opportunities.

Surrey Chambers of Commerce (opens new window) 

Federation of Small Businesses

Members can get advice and support for their business.

Federation of Small Businesses (opens new window)

Department for International Trade

The Department for International Trade is an international economic department promoting British trade and investment across the world. 

Department for International Trade (opens new window)

Cyber Resilience Centre for the South East (CRCSE)

The CRCSE provides guidance and support from police officers and industry experts. They help businesses protect themselves with affordable cyber support.

Cyber resilience centre for the South East (opens new window)

Manufacturing Growth Programme Grant and Advice

This scheme is for small to medium manufacturing businesses.

Check your eligibility for the Manufacturing Growth Programme (opens new window)

Energy Bill Relief Scheme

This scheme provides energy bill relief for non-domestic customers.

Find out more about Energy Bill Relief Scheme (opens new window)

The King's Awards for Enterprise

The King's Awards for Enterprise celebrates outstanding achievements in UK businesses. 

Businesses can apply in one or more of the following categories:

  • innovation
  • international trade
  • sustainable development
  • promoting opportunity through social mobility

For more details, visit  The King's Awards for Enterprise website. (opens new window)

The IncuHive Group

Funded by UK Government Logo

We have allocated a UK Shared Prosperity Fund grant to IncuHive (opens new window). They're an experienced business support organisation. They'll provide free independent and impartial advice to businesses and residents in the borough.

IncuHive advisors work with you to identify what would most help your business.

The service is open to any businesses, from start-ups to established enterprises. The service is confidential.

For more information and to find out how to get involved, contact Andy Pringle by email:

This project has received funding from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.  The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government's Levelling Up agenda. It provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit the UK Shared Prosperity Fund website (opens new window).

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