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Updated Guidelines for Residential Planning Applications and SPA Impacts Approved

Green field at Merrow Common

Green field at Merrow Common
 We have recently approved updated guidance relating to planning applications.

This is for contributions to the Thames Basin Heaths, Special Protection Area (SPA).

Why have we updated these guidelines?

Guildford is home to the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA). This is vital habitat for three protected bird species.

Any increase in residential development may harm the SPA and its wildlife.

This updated guidance will help applicants when they submit planning applications for residential developments.

It helps us avoid harmful developments and manage the impact of visitors.

What does the SPA Strategy include?

  • Tariffs on residential developments to fund Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces (SANGs). These are open spaces designed to attract visitors away from the SPA
  • A Strategic Access Management and Monitoring (SAMM) programme. This will manage and track the effects of visitors on the SPA
  • This new Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) supports existing policies in our Local Plan. It also updates the existing SPA Strategy

Lead Councillor for Planning, Cllr Fiona White said:

"This update will be used when reviewing planning applications to ensure compliance with the SPA strategy. It reinforces our commitment to building a community that values environmental responsibility and supports responsible residential development."

Read More information about the Thames Basin Special Protection Area SPD

Published on: 19 September 2024