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Returning Officer's recommendations to the review

Guildford Borough Council Polling District and Polling Place Review

The council is conducting an interim review of its polling districts and polling places. This follows an electoral review of Surrey County Council by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE).

From May 2025, the County Council electoral divisions in Guildford will be:

  • Ash
  • Guildford East
  • Guildford North
  • Guildford South East
  • Guildford South West
  • Guildford West
  • Horsleys
  • Shalford
  • Shere
  • Worplesdon

The review process

The purpose of the review is to consider polling arrangements in the above divisions and to recommended changes to existing arrangements if they are needed. The timetable is set out below:

Review stageWhen
Publication of Notice and Terms of Reference 9 December 2024
Publication of  Returning Officer's proposals9 December 2024
Consultation Period 9 December 2024 to 10 January 2025
Final proposals to Full Council24 February 2025
Register of Electors re-published 10 March 2025
Inform electors of any change in their area March 2025
Surrey County Council Elections1 May 2025


Commenting on the polling arrangements

The council welcomes your thoughts on the polling arrangements in your area. As Returning Officer I comment on the current arrangements, and this may assist you in completing your response.

You can respond to the consultation:

Please ensure your comments are received by Friday 10 January 2025.

Scope of the review

Polling districts and polling places are determined by the local authority (GBC).

Polling districts

Polling districts are geographical areas created by sub-dividing the electoral area into smaller parts for voting. They are given a reference (e.g. T5) and a name (e.g. Shere). As polling districts are usually based on the parish in which they are situated, the name is often linked to the parish name. Where a parish is divided into wards (e.g. Shere South East), the name will be linked to the ward name.

Polling places

Each polling district must be allocated a polling place which is a building or area in which the polling stations will be situated. The polling place must be located within the polling district unless there are special circumstances make it desirable to designate an area wholly or partly outside the district (e.g. if no accessible polling place can be identified within the district). Due to the rural nature of the borough and the number of polling districts, it is often difficult to identify suitable premises within each polling district. Where no suitable venue can be identified, a temporary building or a venue within another polling district may be used.

Some premises may be suitable as a polling place, but the managers of the venue do not wish for it to be used. The (A)RO is not entitled to mandate the use of buildings except for local authority buildings e.g. local authority schools. 

The buildings listed as existing and recommended polling places are fit for purpose, accessible to electors and accessible for electors with disabilities.

Polling stations

A polling station is the room or area within the polling place at which ballot papers are issued and voting takes place. Unlike polling districts and polling places which are determined by the Local Authority (GBC), polling stations are selected by the relevant Returning Officer for the election. The number of polling stations at each polling place will be determined by the Returning Officer in advance of any election and will vary according to the size of the eligible in-person electorate and the likely turnout.

This review is regarding the polling districts and polling places used at local government elections. However, these polling districts will also be used at parliamentary elections. Therefore, polling district boundaries cannot cross existing boundaries.

Principles the council has adopted when allocating polling districts and places

When responding, please bear in mind the following principles which we aim to follow when allocating polling districts and polling places. We aim to:

  1. Assign a polling place to each polling district and elector
  2. So far as it is reasonable and practicable, ensure every polling station is accessible to electors with disabilities
  3. Ensure polling stations facilitate the safe and efficient delivery of local and parliamentary elections
  4. Ensure the majority of polling stations have no more than 2,250 polling station electors assigned to them
  5. Where possible, avoid the use of schools and temporary buildings which will only be considered if there are no other options
  6. Implement the LGBCE division changes
  7. Ensure a wide audience is consulted throughout the review.

Returning Officer Recommendations for Ash Vale Division

DivisionAsh Vale
Number of polling districts6
Number of polling stations6
Division Electorate12,589 


Proposed Polling District codePolling District NameElectorate November 2024Parliamentary ConstituencyBorough WardParish WardCurrent Polling PlaceProposed Polling PlacePolling Place inside PD
AS1Ash South (West)2293Godalming & AshAsh SouthAsh South WardAsh Manor SchoolAsh Manor SchoolYes
AV1Ash Vale (North)2483Godalming & AshAsh ValeAsh South WardHolly Lodge Primary SchoolTBCTBC
AV2Ash Vale (South)2725Godalming & AshAsh ValeAsh South WardSt Mary's Church Community CentreSt Mary's Church Community CentreYes
AW1Ash Wharf (Shawfields West)1280Godalming & AshAsh WharfAsh South WardBenson RoomBenson Room Yes
AW2Ash Wharf (Shawfields East)1689Godalming & AshAsh WharfAsh South WardPrimrose HillPrimrose HillYes
AW3Ash Wharf (Ranges)2119Godalming & AshAsh WharfAsh South WardVictoria HallVictoria HallYes


Returning Officer Comments 

A new venue is being investigated for AV1. Otherwise, the current locations are suitable and within the polling districts. These arrangements are working well.

I therefore recommend that there are no changes to the established polling districts or polling places except perhaps for AV1.

Returning Officer Recommendations for Guildford East Division

DivisionGuildford East
Number of polling districts6
Number of polling stations6
Division Electorate11,351


Proposed Polling District codePolling District NameElectorate November 2024Parliamentary ConstituencyBorough WardParish WardCurrent Polling PlaceProposed Polling PlacePolling Place inside PD
B1Burpham (North West)1789GuildfordBurphamN/ASutherland Memorial HallSutherland Memorial HallYes
B1ABurpham (North West A)682GuildfordBurphamN/ASutherland Memorial HallSutherland Memorial HallYes
B2Burpham (South East)2665GuildfordBurphamN/ABurpham Village HallBurpham Village HallYes
M1Merrow (North)2350GuildfordMerrowN/AMerrow C of E Infant SchoolTBCTBC
M2Merrow (Central) 2504GuildfordMerrowN/AMerrow Village HallMerrow Village HallYes
M3Merrow (South)1361GuildfordMerrowN/ABoxgrove Primary SchoolBoxgrove Primary SchoolNo


Returning Officer Comments 

A new venue is being investigated for M1.

As can be seen on the map, polling district M3 is accessible to the polling place which is situated just beyond the polling district line in M3A.

The current locations are suitable and otherwise within the polling districts. These arrangements are working well.

I therefore recommend that there are no changes to the established polling districts or polling places except perhaps for M1.

Returning Officer Recommendations for Guildford North Division

DivisionGuildford North
Number of polling districts6
Number of polling stations6
Division Electorate11,211


Proposed Polling District codePolling District NameElectorate November 2024Parliamentary ConstituencyBorough WardParish WardCurrent Polling PlaceProposed Polling PlacePolling Place inside PD
BS1Bellfields (South West)1177GuildfordBellfields & SlyfieldN/ANew Hope ChurchNew Hope ChurchYes
BS2Bellfields (North East)2000GuildfordBellfields & SlyfieldN/ABellfields Youth CentreBellfields Youth CentreYes
BS3Bellfields & Slyfield 1400GuildfordBellfields & SlyfieldN/AHorticultural Society HallHorticultural Society HallYes
SN1Stoughton North (East)2723GuildfordStoughton NorthN/AArmy Cadet CentreArmy Cadet CentreYes
SN2Stoughton North (West)2148GuildfordStoughton NorthN/AStoughton Methodist ChurchStoughton Methodist ChurchYes
SS2Stoughton South (South East)1763GuildfordStoughton SouthN/AEmmanuel Parish CentreEmmanuel Parish CentreYes


Returning Officer Comments 

Officers are working to resolve an accessibility issue at BS1 and are examining parking provision at SN2.

The current locations however, are suitable and within the polling districts. These arrangements are working well.

I therefore recommend that there are no changes to the established polling districts or polling places.

Returning Officer Recommendations for Guildford South East Division

DivisionGuildford South East
Number of polling districts7
Number of polling stations7
Division Electorate10,906


Proposed Polling District codePolling District NameElectorate November 2024Parliamentary ConstituencyBorough WardParish WardCurrent Polling PlaceProposed Polling PlacePolling Place inside PD
C1Castle (West)2302GuildfordCastleN/AAdult Learning CentreAdult Learning CentreYes
C2Castle (South East)2564GuildfordCastleN/AThe SpikeThe SpikeYes
C3Castle (East)2613GuildfordCastleN/AChrist Church CentreChrist Church CentreYes
M3AMerrow South A1157GuildfordMerrowN/ABoxgrove Primary SchoolBoxgrove Primary SchoolYes
SK2Stoke (East)1422GuildfordStokeN/ASt Joseph's Church HallSt Joseph's Church HallYes
SK2AStoke (East A)586GuildfordStokeN/ASt Joseph's Church HallSt Joseph's Church HallYes
SK3AStoke (North A)262GuildfordStoke N/AThe Stirling Centre The Stirling Centre Yes


Returning Officer Comments 

Officers are visiting to confirm feasibility relating to voter numbers at SK2 / SK2A. Owing to new divisional boundaries a small southern part of the current SK1 must be placed in SK2A, whilst a small northern part of SK2A must be placed in SK1. This is because polling district lines cannot cross electoral boundaries.

The current locations are otherwise suitable and within the polling districts. These arrangements are working well.

Save for the changes that we must make to polling districts, I recommend that there are no changes to the established polling places.

Returning Officer Recommendations for Guildford South West Division

DivisionGuildford South West
Number of polling districts7
Number of polling stations7
Division Electorate11,592


Proposed Polling District codePolling District NameElectorate November 2024Parliamentary ConstituencyBorough WardParish WardCurrent Polling PlaceProposed Polling PlacePolling Place inside PD
O1Onslow (Central)2081GuildfordOnslowN/AQueen Eleanor's C of E Junior SchoolQueen Eleanor's C of E Junior SchoolYes
O2Onslow (East)1334GuildfordOnslowN/AOnslow Village HallOnslow Village HallYes
O3Onslow (West)1248GuildfordOnslowN/AOnslow Village HallOnslow Village HallYes
SK1Stoke (West)3338GuildfordStokeN/AThe Salvation Army HallThe Salvation Army HallYes
SK3Stoke (North)1185GuildfordStokeN/AThe Stirling CentreThe Stirling Centre Yes
ST1St Nicolas (South)1323GuildfordSt. NicolasN/AGuildford URCGuildford URCYes
ST2 St Nicolas (North)1083GuildfordSt. NicolasN/AGuildford URCGuildford URCYes


Returning Officer Comments 

Officers are visiting to confirm feasibility relating to voter numbers at SK1.

Owing to new divisional boundaries a small southern part of the current SK1 must be placed in SK2A, whilst a small northern part of SK2A must be placed in SK1. This is because PD lines cannot cross electoral boundaries. Otherwise, the current locations are suitable and within the polling districts. These arrangements are working well.

Save for the changes that we must make to polling districts, I recommend that there are no changes to the established polling places.

Returning Officer Recommendations for Guildford West Division

DivisionGuildford West
Number of polling districts8
Number of polling stations8
Division Electorate11,237


Proposed Polling District codePolling District NameElectorate November 2024Parliamentary ConstituencyBorough WardParish WardCurrent Polling PlaceProposed Polling PlacePolling Place inside PD
O3A (currently O2A)Onslow (South West A)40GuildfordOnslowN/AOnslow Village HallOnslow Village Hall or Kate Granger BuildingTBC
O4Stag Hill932GuildfordOnslowN/ALibrary & Learning CentreLibrary & Learning Centre Yes
SS1Stoughton South (North West)2527GuildfordStoughton South N/AEmmanuel Parish CentreEmmanuel Parish CentreYes
SS1AStoughton South (North West A)406GuildfordStoughton SouthN/AEmmanuel Parish CentreEmmanuel Parish CentreYes
WE1Westborough (West)2395GuildfordWestboroughN/ASt. Clare's Church HallSt. Clare's Church HallYes
WE2Westborough (Central)2237GuildfordWestboroughN/AWestborough URCWestborough URCYes
WE3Manor Park1349GuildfordWestboroughN/AKate Granger Building Kate Granger Building Yes
WO1Broadacres 1351GuildfordWorplesdonWorplesdon Wood StreetSt. Mary's Church HallSt. Mary's Church HallYes


Returning Officer Comments 

Owing to new divisional boundaries a small polling district, O2A, is in the Guildford West division, unlike other Onslow polling districts. Officers will examine the feasibility of O2A residents voting at Kate Granger building as this is administratively more appropriate, so long as these residents do not have to take a long route that passes the existing polling place. The SS1 and SS1A polling districts must be merged into a single SS1 polling district, and the registers sub-divided equally at the same polling place.

An undeveloped northern part of WO1 that has no electors now crosses the new County boundary and must be placed instead in WO2.

Save for the changes that we must make to SS1, WO1 polling districts and consideration of O2A, I recommend that there are no changes to the established polling places.

Returning Officer Recommendations for Horsleys Division

Number of polling districts10
Number of polling stations10
Division Electorate9,993


Proposed Polling District codePolling District NameElectorate November 2024Parliamentary ConstituencyBorough WardParish WardCurrent Polling PlaceProposed Polling PlacePolling Place inside PD
CH3East Horsley (South)1022GuildfordClandon & HorsleyEast HorsleySt. Martin's Church HallSt. Martin's Church HallYes
CH4East Horsley (Central) 1427GuildfordClandon & HorsleyEast HorsleyEast Horsley Village HallEast Horsley Village HallYes
CH5Effingham Junction1117GuildfordClandon & HorsleyEast HorsleySt  Martin's Community HallSt  Martin's Community HallYes
CH6West Horsley (North)1285GuildfordClandon & HorsleyWest HorsleyThe WheelhouseThe WheelhouseYes
CH7West Horsley (South)1175GuildfordClandon & HorsleyWest HorsleyWest Horsley Village HallWest Horsley Village HallYes
E1Effingham North915GuildfordEffinghamEffingham North WardKing George V HallKing George V HallYes
E2Effingham South 1053GuildfordEffinghamEffingham South WardKing George V HallKing George V HallYes
SL1 Ockham360GuildfordSend & LovelaceOckhamAll Saints ChurchAll Saints ChurchYes
SL2Ripley 1519GuildfordSend & LovelaceRipleyRipley Village HallRipley Village HallYes
SL3Wisley 120GuildfordSend & LovelaceWisleyRipley Village HallRipley Village HallNo


Returning Officer Comments 

The current locations are suitable and except for SL3 are within the polling districts. The arrangements are working well.

I recommend that there are no changes to the established polling districts or polling places.

Returning Officer Recommendations for Shalford Division

Number of polling districts10
Number of polling stations10
Division Electorate9,813


Proposed Polling District codePolling District NameElectorate November 2024Parliamentary ConstituencyBorough WardParish WardCurrent Polling PlaceProposed Polling PlacePolling Place inside PD
AS2Ash South (East)2486Godalming & AshAsh SouthAsh South WardHoly Angels ChurchHoly Angels ChurchYes
P1Seale & Sands (West)391Godalming & AshPilgrimsSeale & SandsThe Sands RoomThe Sands RoomYes
P2Seale & Sands (East)347Godalming & AshPilgrimsSeale & SandsSeale Village HallSeale Village HallYes
P3Puttenham483Godalming & AshPilgrimsPuttenhamThe Marwick HallThe Marwick HallYes
P4Shackleford 527Godalming & Ash PilgrimsShacklefordShackleford Village HallShackleford Village HallYes
P6Tongham2248Godalming & AshPilgrimsTonghamTongham Community Centre Tongham Community CentreYes
SH1Compton781Godalming & AshShalfordComptonCompton Village HallCompton Village HallYes
SH2Artington 225Godalming & Ash ShalfordArtingtonCompton Village HallCompton Village HallNo
SH3 Shalford (Peasmarsh)304Godalming & AshShalfordShalford Peasmarsh WardPeasmarsh Church HallPeasmarsh Church HallYes
SH4Shalford (Central) 2021Godalming & AshShalford Shalford Shalford WardShalford Village HallShalford Village HallYes


Returning Officer Comments 

The current locations are suitable and except for SH2 are within the polling districts. The arrangements are working well.

I recommend that there are no changes to the established polling districts or polling places.

Returning Officer Recommendations for Shere Division

Number of polling districts10
Number of polling stations10
Division Electorate10,114


Proposed Polling District codePolling District NameElectorate November 2024Parliamentary ConstituencyBorough WardParish WardCurrent Polling PlaceProposed Polling PlacePolling Place inside PD
CH1East Clandon210GuildfordClandon & HorsleyEast ClandonEast Clandon Village HallEast Clandon Village HallYes
CH2West Clandon 1145GuildfordClandon & HorsleyWest ClandonWest Clandon Village HallWest Clandon Village HallYes
SL4Send (East)2225Guildford Send & LovelaceSendLancaster HallLancaster HallYes
SL5Send (West)1322GuildfordSend & LovelaceSendLancaster HallLancaster HallYes
SH5Shalford (Chilworth)956Godalming & Ash ShalfordShalford Chilworth WardChilworth Village HallChilworth Village HallYes
T1St. Martha586Godalming & AshTillingbourneSt. MarthaChilworth Village HallChilworth Village HallNo
T2 Albury 911Godalming & AshTillingbourneAlburyAlbury Village HallAlbury Village HallYes
T3Shere (North)1491Godalming & Ash TillingbourneShere North WardShere Village HallShere Village HallYes
T4 Peaslake832Godalming & AshTillingbourneShere South WestPeaslake Village HallPeaslake Village HallYes
T5Holmbury St. Mary646Godalming & AshTillingbourneShere South East Holmbury St. Mary Village HallHolmbury St. Mary Village HallYes


Returning Officer Comments 

The current locations are suitable and are within the polling districts, except for T1 which is very nearby. The arrangements are working well.

I recommend that there are no changes to the established polling places.

Returning Officer Recommendations for Worplesdon Division

Number of polling districts10
Number of polling stations10
Division Electorate10,503


Proposed Polling District codePolling District NameElectorate November 2024Parliamentary ConstituencyBorough WardParish WardCurrent Polling PlaceProposed Polling PlacePolling Place inside PD
NP1Normandy2557Surrey HeathNormandy & PirbrightNormandySt. Mark's HallSt. Mark's HallYes
NP2Pirbright2117Surrey HeathNormandy & PirbrightPirbirghtLord Pirbright's HallLord Pirbright's HallYes
P5Wanborough 300Guildford PilgrimsWanboroughWanborough Village HallWanborough Village HallYes
WO2Wood Street1326GuildfordWorplesdonWorplesdon Wood StreetSt. Alban's Church HallSt. Alban's Church HallYes
WO3Fairlands2116Guildford  WorplesdonWorplesdon FairlandsFairlands Community CentreFairlands Community CentreYes
WO4Perry Hill1152Guildford WorplesdonWorplesdon Perry HillWorplesdon Memorial HallWorplesdon Memorial HallYes
WO5 Jacobs Well935Guildford WorplesdonWorplesdon Jacobs Well1st Jacbobs Well Scout & Guide Group HQ1st Jacbobs Well Scout & Guide Group HQYes


Returning Officer Comments 

Officers are visiting a recent addition to our polling scheme at P5.

The current locations however, are suitable and are within the polling districts. The arrangements are working well.

I recommend that there are no changes to the established polling districts or polling places.