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Slyfield community recycling centre closure

The Slyfield community recycling centre will be closed from 15 June to 30 June 2024 for essential maintenance. Find out more about alternative community recycling centres. (opens new window)

Find out about street entertainment guidance

Guildford welcomes street entertainers. You do not require a licence to busk in Guildford but please respect the guidelines below.

Street entertainment guidelines

  • keep the volume at a reasonable level so local shops and businesses can continue as normal.
  • do not obstruct the flow of pedestrians on the pavement. Always leave access clear on the street for emergency vehicles. If you know your act will draw a large crowd, please choose an appropriate area that can accommodate them.
  • please move to another pitch after two hours maximum. This helps keep complaints from shopkeepers to a minimum
  • move on, or stop performing, if requested to do so by a police officer or the council
  • please do not make use of street furniture, for example, lamp posts or public seats, during your performance
  • we do not permit selling by street entertainers. This is begging and you could be prosecuted
  • please avoid the top end of the High Street near Abbot's Hospital
  • please check our for any major events on the day you're planning to come. If there is an event it may mean busking is not allowed in certain areas and locations on that date