Listed buildings

A listed building is a building of special architectural or historical interest. There are over 1,000 listed buildings in the borough. Without Licensed Building Consent, it's illegal to do the following to a listed building:
- demolish
- alter
- extend
Some buildings are not on the listed buildings register but are still important. These are called locally listed buildings. Locally listed buildings do not have the same restrictions as listed buildings. However, we still take extra care with applications to change locally listed buildings. This is because we want to make sure they do not lose their special features.
Check if your building is listed or locally listed
- enter your postcode into the search box and click on the 'My Maps' tab
- open the 'planning' filter and select both 'listed buildings' and 'locally listed buildings'
The National Heritage List for England (opens new window) shows you all the:
- listed buildings
- scheduled monuments
- historic parks and gardens
Type 'Guildford' into the search box to view a full list. You can search for particular groups of buildings or areas using the 'apply filter' button.
Can I do work on a listed building?
There are extra rules for doing work on listed buildings. They apply if you anything that affects the building's historical or architectural significance. The restrictions apply to many types of changes including changes to:
- the interior
- the exterior
- any objects or structure attached to the property
- any walls, gates, or other free-standing structures on the land surrounding the property
Before making these changes, you must apply for Listed Building Consent on the Planning Portal (opens new window).
There may be delays with listed building consent applications during the coronavirus outbreak. These require detailed site inspections which we are not always able to conduct at present.
We can also offer you advice on any of your plans before you apply for planning permission. Use our pre-application advice service.
Scheduled Monuments and areas of high archaeological potential
Some areas in the borough are considered to be nationally important archaeological sites. These are known as 'scheduled monuments' and they're protected by law. You can see a full list of them on The National Heritage List for England (opens new window). Search for 'Guildford' and apply the 'scheduled monuments' filter.
Some places do not have monuments but are still areas of high archaeological potential (AHAP).
Check if your plans are affected by a conservation area
- type your postcode into the search box and click on the 'My Maps' tab.
- open the 'local plan 2003' filter and click on 'AHAP'. The areas of high archaeological potential will appear on the map.
Historic parks and gardens
Some parks and gardens of national importance are in the borough. You can search for a registered park or garden on The National Heritage List for England (opens new window).