Public works in Guildford Town Centre survey results
We carried out an online survey to inform our plans to improve Swan Lane, Chapel Street and Castle Street, as well as putting pedestrian safety measures in the High Street.
The online survey ran from 7 June 2019 to 3rd July 2019. It was promoted on social media and online, receiving over 12,000 views.
A total of 403 individual responses were received. The survey was not restricted to Guildford residents and the breakdown of responses shows that:
- 90% of respondents said they lived in the Guildford
- 76% of responders said they visit Guildford for shopping and leisure
- 72% of responders work in Guildford Town centre
- 9% of responders said they would describe themselves as having a disability
Result of the survey do not represent a statistical viable representation of either Guildford population or visitors to the area, however it is still a useful feedback on general views from those living, using or impacted by the proposed scheme.
Survey responses
Why is Guildford attractive?
41% of respondents considered that Guildford's main attraction is its cobbled streets over the shopping retail and leisure experience, which was the second most popular attraction at 30%. Guildford's large wealth of cultural and heritage offers only appealed to 8% of respondents and 9% of respondents stated greenspaces were reasons that make Guildford attractive.
How to improve our town centre?
70% of respondents felt that to make Guildford an attractive place we should use high quality or traditional materials to maintain conservation of the historic streets. 57% considered prioritising pedestrian accessibility in the town centre being important to them.
Options to improve Swan Lane, Chapel Street and Castle Street
Support for widening or improvement of pavements represented the most popular option from over 60% of all respondents compared to 24% who said to 'do nothing' (see below). Chapel Street was favoured by 12% of respondents, as the most preferred street to be suggested to be partially pedestrianised against 3% to 'do nothing'. Suggestion for full pedestrianisation for all streets was lower than partial pedestrianisation. Swan Lane is already fully pedestrianised, which reflected in the low support for this feedback.
Navigation and wayfinding
Over 82% respondents were supportive of better signage, more media publicity and local interpretation map to improve wayfinding across town centre.
Traffic Regulation
More than 70% of respondents stated that Traffic Regulation Orders may require changing to promote pedestrianisation on both Castle Street and Swan Lane.
Pedestrian crossing and traffic
The overwhelming majority felt that some intervention is required to address traffic issues on Castle Street, whilst 16% of respondents said none is required. Redesign of the street as one way was stated as a solution by 12% of responses. Around 10% wanted traffic lights or better signage. Other suggestions included speed restrictions, roundabout, enforcement/CCTV and parking restrictions to improve road use and safety.
Pedestrianisation and safety
86% of respondents agreed that pedestrianisation should be encouraged more where possible. Whilst over 80% agreed that there should be more measures to restrict vehicular conflict with pedestrians.
Accessibility and outdoor seating
The al fresco environment created by outdoor seating was generally thought as a positive contribution to the town scape. Better restriction and regulation on outdoor seating was suggested by 17% of respondents and 14% respondents felt seating restricted access for wheelchairs, buggies and those with visual disabilities. Uneven surface, clutter and litter were noted as concerns associated from having outdoor seating, along with too much commercialisation of streetscape through use of signboards.
Priority of works
Swan Lane was nominated as a top priority for improvement by 34% of respondents, followed by Chapel Street with 32% and lastly Castle Street.
There were a range of improvements suggested (listed in order of popular preference):
- Fixing uneven surfaces
- Pedestrianisation
- Traffic management
- Signage
There was a preference for all work to be done before Christmas 2019.
76% of respondents agreed that the pedestrianisation of Tunsgate was an improvement.