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Technical issues when searching for a planning application

We're experiencing some technical issues with our planning application search. Some customers may not be able to search for planning applications during this time. We're working hard to fix this as soon as possible and apologise for any inconvenience.

Anti-social behaviour

What is anti-social behaviour?

✔ behaviour that has caused, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to any person

✔ aggressive, intimidating or destructive activity that damages or destroys another person's quality of life

✔ a range of crime, nuisance and disorder which affects people's lives on a daily basis


  • rowdy, noisy behaviour in an otherwise quiet neighbourhood
  • night time noise from houses or gardens, especially between 11pm and 7am
  • threatening, drunken or intimidating behaviour 
  • vandalism, graffiti or fly-posting
  • litter and fly-posting 
  • aggressive begging
  • drinking in the street
  • setting off fireworks late at night
  • abandoning cars

When is it not anti-social behaviour 

children playing in the street or communal areas - unless they are causing damage to property

young people gathering socially - unless they are rowdy, inconsiderate and being intimidating to individuals

being unable to park outside your own home

DIY and off-road car repairs - unless these are taking place late at night or early in the morning.