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Your business rates account will be offline

From 15.30 on Thursday 6 March until Monday 10 March you won't be able to access your business rates account online. This is whilst we prepare annual bills. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Submit a petition

What types of petitions are excluded?

We will not take action on any petition that is:

  • vexatious
  • abusive
  • otherwise inappropriate

The Managing Director and lead councillor for governance will decide if a petition fits these categories. If we reject your petition for any of the above reasons, we will notify you in our acknowledgement letter.

This scheme does not apply to:

  • petitions relating to a planning or licensing application
  • statutory petitions (for example requesting a referendum on having a directly elected mayor)
  • petitions relating to matters where other review or appeal procedures exist, e.g. a review of council tax banding

This scheme does not apply to petitions on the same or similar topic as ones addressed by the council in the last six months. We will acknowledge receipt of such petitions within 10 working days. We will include details of our response to similar petitions.

Where we are still considering a petition on the same or similar topic, we will amalgamate the petitions.

We will send details of excluded petitions that directly affect wards to the councillors representing those wards.

View current and past petitions:

To check if your petition is similar or the same to another petition, use the links below.


To view rejected e-petitions submitted before 2018 visit our pre 2018 rejected e-petitions page.

To view rejected e-petitions from 2018 onwards visit our 2018 and post 2018 rejected e-petitions (opens new window) page. 

To view active and completed e-petitions visit our active and completed e-petitions (opens new window) page.

Paper petitions:

To view paper petitions visit our paper petitions page.