Pay your business rates
Other methods of payment
You can pay your business rates by debit or credit card. We do not accept JCB, American Express or Diners cards.
Pay your business rates using your debit or credit card (opens new window)
Pay by phone
Make a payment by calling 03300 889 584. This service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can use your debit or credit card to pay. We do not accept JCB, American Express or Diners cards.
Pay by standing order or online banking
Pay by standing order or online banking by using the following account details:
Sort code: 40-22-26
Bank account number: 21850652
Remember to always quote your business rates account number as the reference. You can find your account number on your bill.
If you bank with HSBC, you can transfer payments from your bank account into the council's bank account.
Contact your branch and transfer to our bank account number 21850652.