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Slyfield community recycling centre closure

The Slyfield community recycling centre will be closed from 15 June to 30 June 2024 for essential maintenance. Find out more about alternative community recycling centres. (opens new window)

Find out about Guildford Park Road

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Guildford Park Road
The Guildford Park Road development is part of a programme for housing-led regeneration.

 The site for development is a pay and display car park at the edge of the town centre, owned by us.

The proposed scheme will provide new housing. We want to provide more affordable homes. All the homes will be well-designed, energy efficient and low carbon.

What we're doing

We're now seeking a development partner who will work with us to deliver the scheme.

What have we done so far?

  • developed draft plans for the site
  • consulted widely 
  • received expressions of interest from interested parties

What happens next?

  • discussions with prospective developers who share our vision and values
  • developers will submit their tenders in early 2024
  • we'll award the development contract

What our chosen developer will do

  • develop a final design
  • secure planning permission
  • be responsible for funding the private housing
  • build a mix of housing for sale, shared ownership and rental properties
  • include 40% affordable housing
  • sell the private properties
  • return the social housing for us to manage

Benefits of the new development

Better use of land

Redevelopment will make better use of this brownfield site. It will:

  • help us meet our local housing delivery targets
  • provide much needed new housing

Alignment with our Corporate Plan 2021 to 2025

Guildford Park Road is one of the sites allocated for redevelopment in our Local Plan. It will provide housing that people can afford, while maintaining quality standards.

Alignment with our Housing Strategy

We will increase the amount of affordable housing available in our borough. This will improve the social and economic wellbeing of our residents.

Affordable Housing

We plan to build affordable housing, reflecting a good mix of homes, which we will own and manage.

Environmental Sustainability

We'll adopt a scheme that helps to address our climate change objectives. We want to build homes that outperform building regulations.

Social Values

We'll make sure the project achieves benefits for local residents.