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Regulator of Social Housing Self-referral Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Regulator of Social Housing? What do they do?

The Regulator of Social Housing sets out the regulatory standards that landlords must deliver under the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008. Consumer standards apply to all landlords including local authorities.

To ensure the consumer standards are met, the Regulator has a rolling four-year programme of inspections. The Regulator works with landlords as they seek to address any issues identified. Landlords may also self-refer if they have concerns about whether they meet the required standards.

What are regulatory judgements?

Regulatory judgements are published to show how well a landlord is delivering the required outcomes of the Regulator of Social Housing standards. They provide a consumer grading from C1 to C4.

What are the definitions of the four consumer grades?

The four consumer grades mean:

C1    Landlord is delivering the outcomes of the consumer standards. The landlord has demonstrated that it identifies when issues occur and puts plans in place to remedy and minimise recurrence.

C2    There are some weaknesses in the landlord delivering the outcomes of the consumer standards and improvement is needed.

C3    There are serious failings in the landlord delivering the outcomes of the consumer standards and significant improvement is needed.

C4    There are very serious failings in the landlord delivering the outcomes of the consumer standards. The landlord must make fundamental changes so that improved outcomes are delivered.

What grade have we been given for our housing landlord function?

We have been given a C3 grade based on the failings we identified and referred to the Regulator in December 2023. Since December, urgent action has been taken to improve our service across all areas of compliance and building safety.

Does this mean my home is not safe?

We referred ourselves to the regulator in December because we didn't have data on the standard of all our homes, preventing us from evidencing they are safe.

Are all council properties affected or just some of them?

All our properties are affected by our decision to self-refer. We are talking to the regulator about the whole service, not individual properties. We know that there are issues with the condition of some of our homes, although many are in a very good condition. The emphasis is that we do not have the data to be able to demonstrate to the regulator that all of our homes are of an acceptable standard.

You mention a review - can I have a copy of that?

We have published our improvement plan, which sets out where we need to do more, what we will do and when we will do it.

What can the Regulator do, and how will it help?

The Regulator has reviewed what we have done, what we are doing, and will work with us to  improve the service we provide. It can also require us to take specific action if it decides it is necessary. The additional scrutiny of our work will help us to improve the service for our tenants and leaseholders, by providing an outside view of what needs to be done most urgently. We welcome this open and transparent assessment of our service.

Will someone want to inspect my home? When?

We are not currently intending to inspect individual properties other than in the usual way.

How can I give input to the Regulator myself?

The Regulator looks to see whether there is evidence of systemic or organisational failure by the council, (ie a failure which is indicative of a wider breakdown in the provider's overall organisation and systems). The Regulator has no role in resolving individual disputes between landlords and tenants. If there is any information which you would think is important to share with the Regulator, please contact them on:

How do I report a repair?

Your wellbeing remains our priority and we are dedicated to making sure you have a safe and comfortable home. 

If you need to report a repair to your property, please continue to use the form on our website or telephone us on 01483 505050. For out of office hours emergencies, call 01483 532122.