Celebrating 45 years of friendship between Guildford and Freiburg
This Sunday (1 December), the Mayor of Guildford, Cllr Sallie Barker MBE will be at The Guildford Twinning Association's annual German mini-Christmas market in the Guildhall. The annual event promotes Guildford's twinning with the German city of Freiburg. Twinned since 1979, this year celebrates the 45th anniversary of the pairing.
Announcing the winners of the Short Film competition for schools
The Mayor will present prizes to the winners of this year's Short Film competition for Schools at midday. Students from secondary schools in each twin town have entered their two-minute films introducing someone. Guildford entries are in the German language. The panel of judges who had the tough job of choosing the winners included:
the Mayor
Professor Susan Pratt from The University of Surrey
Nick Bale, Leader of Guildford Town Guides
Commemorating the 45th anniversary of Guildford-Freiburg twinning
A new panel to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the twinning will also be on display at Tunsgate. It explains how:
residents of Guildford and Freiburg exchange cultural experiences
the city of Freiburg has developed into a prestigious university town and picturesque tourist destination.
This contrasts sharply with the devastation faced by Freiburg in World War II.
Remembering the 80th Anniversary of the bombing of Freiburg
Earlier this week The Mayor of Guildford stood together with Freiburg citizens. They remembered the many lives that were sadly lost or changed forever on the 27 November 1944. On that night, Freiburg was bombed by The Royal Air Force. The air raid resulted in around 2,800 dead and extensive destruction of the medieval city. Surprisingly, the city's cathedral survived.
The Mayor reminded those at the service of the need to remain committed to supporting and protecting our fragile freedoms.
In her speech encouraging reconciliation and peace, she said:
"I believe educating our young people about our shared history is crucial if we're to prevent mistakes of the past. Let us never forget those dark days so that we learn from the mistakes of the past.
"Let us unite and focus on creating a more peaceful world, where people of any religion or none, can live happily and safely, side by side."
As the Mayor presents awards to young film makers this Sunday, she will reflect:
on those words
the importance of the continuing collaboration between Guildford and Freiburg.
The German mini-Christmas market runs from 11am to 3pm in the Guildhall.