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Technical Issues with our phone lines

We're experiencing some technical issues with our phone lines.  This may extend call wait times. We're working hard to fix this as soon as possible and apologise for any inconvenience.

You can contact us using our self service pages.

Grass cutting, shrubs and weeds

hedge blue

From 1 April 2023, Surrey County Council manages all highway verge maintenance (opens new window) in our borough.

This includes:

  • highway verge cutting
  • hedge maintenance
  • weed spraying

The highway verge cutting season is March to November. There may be less cuts this year than residents are used to.

We'll carry out highway verge maintenance on behalf of Surrey County Council.

Reporting overgrown grass, hedges or weeds on our highway verges

You can report overgrown grass, hedges or weeds on our highway verges to Surrey County Council. 

Report overgrown grass, shrubs or weeds to Surrey County Council (opens new window)

We're still responsible for

Maintaining council owned:

  • residential areas
  • communal gardens
  • parks and open spaces

Delivering up to:

  • 10 grass cuts per year in residential areas
  • 15 grass cuts per year in parks and open spaces

Our grass cutting season runs from March to November. Final grass cuts can take place as late as November if the weather has affected our cutting schedule.

We leave some areas of grass to grow wild. Guildford has increased its number of wildlife areas over the last few years. This is to protect and enhance local pollinator populations.

Report overgrown grass, shrubs or weeds on council owned land

You can use our contact us form to report overgrown grass, shrubs or weeds on council owned land.

In a residential area or communal garden select:

  • 'Housing and tenancies' as the service
  • 'Grass cutting' as the enquiry type

In a park or open space:

  • 'Parks' as the service
  • 'Grass cutting' as the enquiry type

You must give clear details about the location of the problem. If the location is:

  • not specific enough for us to find
  • or the vegetation is on private land

We'll be unable to help you.

You can use what 3 words to provide an accurate location of an issue. What 3 words has divided the world into 3 metre squares and given each square a unique combination of three words.

Report overgrown grass, shrubs or weeds on council owned land (opens new window)