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Link guidelines

In the course of providing information for our users, may include links to external websites created and maintained by organisations other than Guildford Borough Council.

External Links 

Guildford Borough Council does not automatically agree to requests from other organisations or individuals to link to their website from Neither do we automatically agree to reciprocal link arrangements.

If you have a site that you wish to be considered for our website, contact (opens new window). Please include the URL that you wish us to link to, as well as your name, phone number and email address (if different from the address you are emailing us from). Also include where on our site you would like your link to appear. While the Council may not be able to list your site exactly as you request, we would be happy to consider your suggestions.

All requests for links to external websites will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Links may be removed or replaced at the discretion of Guildford Borough Council.

All links to external websites will appear in a new browser window.

Agreed links will normally conform to one or more of the following criteria:

  • links to specific pages or information or to a document that compliments and adds value to the content on
  • improves the level of customer service offered to visitors to
  • extends e-government services to users of
  • links to a partnership site, for example, websites operated by organisations we work with
  • links to other government agencies or those working in partnership with these agencies.

We will not link to:

  • content that infringes on any trademark, copyright, or patent rights of another
  • content that is not suitable for readers or viewers of all ages
  • sites that are not free to access.
  • sites that we consider are not kept up to date
  • commercial websites whose sole purpose is profit making. This includes individuals offering services such as private lessons, training or therapy
  • political lobby sites
  • political party sites (other than directly from our Councillor's information pages)
  • sites that request a link purely to increase their search engine rankings

If you would like to publicise an event, use our .

While we regularly run link checking software on our site, if you have a link on our site and are aware that your domain name or a specific URL is going to change, email (opens new window) providing the current and future URL as well as the date they will change.