Tulip in a pot activity


- 1 piece A4 card (white - if you use coloured card you will need a few pieces in different colours)
- pencil
- colouring pens
- scissors
- glue
- something to draw round like the lid of a herb/spice jar or an egg cup rim
How to make your card
- Take your piece of card, cut it in half, then fold one piece in half
- Using the other half of the card draw the shape of a flower pot using our picture as a guide. Cut out. If you are using white card colour it in a suitable colour.
- Draw and cut out a short stem for your tulip. Colour it in green (or use green card if you have it)
- Using the reminder of the card draw three circles using the spice jar lid or egg cup rim as a guide. These will be the tulip petals. Cut them out. If you are using white card colour them in. Look online for inspiration or look in your own or neighbours' gardens on your daily walk/run/cycle.
- Bend each of the three circles in half with the coloured side facing inwards.
- Take two of the circles and glue them together sticking the outer side of one semi-circle to the outer side of a semi-circle on the other petal.
- Take the third circle and glue one of its outer semi-circle sides to one of the outer semi-circle sides on the flower head you have already made.
- You now have your flower head with two petals sticking up and a flat base. Stick the flat side onto your card at the top of the stalk.