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Your business rates account will be offline

From 15.30 on Thursday 6 March until Monday 10 March you won't be able to access your business rates account online. This is whilst we prepare annual bills. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Your personal information rights

How you will receive your information?

If you make an information rights request we usually provide an electronic copy of the information and we will send it to you in an encrypted email. The first time you receive an encrypted email from us you will need to set up a free Egress account.

If you cannot receive the encrypted email, we may print the information from the computer system or take a photocopy of your manual file. If it is not possible for us to provide you with a copy of your information, we will arrange for you to view the information at a mutually convenient time.

We aim to respond to all requests for personal information within one month of receiving your completed application form.