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Your business rates account will be offline

From 15.30 on Thursday 6 March until Monday 10 March you won't be able to access your business rates account online. This is whilst we prepare annual bills. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Planning Committee decisions

The Planning Committee decide on an application if:

If the Planning Committee are asked to decide on your application, you'll be able to see the caseworker's report and recommendation five days before they meet.

Public Speaking

In some cases, the public can speak to the Planning Committee. This will happen if:

  • a householder (or similar) application has 10 or more comments contrary to the caseworker's recommendation
  • a major or minor application has 20 or more comments contrary to the caseworker's recommendation

We notify anyone who comments that the planning application has gone to the committee. We'll also invite them to speak. Up to four people can speak at the committee meeting. Two can support an application and two can object to it. Each person gets three minutes. We choose the speakers on a first come, first served basis.