Green Belt Supplementary Planning Document
Read the Green Belt SPD (PDF, 391 KB)
New development is generally not allowed in Green Belt. Unless it meets one of the exceptions list:
- paragraphs 154 and 155 of the National Planning Policy Framework (opens new window)
- Policy P2 of the Guildford borough Local Plan: Strategy and Sites 2019 (opens new window)
This SPD provides further guidance to help applicants understand:
- how we will assess their proposals for new development
- if their proposals for new development fall within one of these exceptions
We carried out a four-week consultation on the draft Green Belt SPD in February/March 2023. You can view the SPD draft together with the responses that we received. (opens new window)
We also carried out a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) screening.Read our determination statement. (PDF, 488 KB)
We made the decision to adopt the SPD on 23 November 2023. (opens new window)
You may also wish to read our adoption statement (PDF, 123 KB) and consultation statement. (PDF, 271 KB)