Careline is a 24-hour emergency call system, helping people live independently in their own home. Find out how to apply.

About the Careline equipment
The equipment is easy to install and consists of a small base unit linked to your telephone socket and a pendant trigger, which can be worn around your neck or wrist.
You can simply press a button in an emergency and an alarm call will be sent to our alarm centre, which is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Our trained operators can identify the source of the call and arrange for help, even if you are unable to speak.
How do I apply?
If you would like to discuss any of the options available, please call us on 01483 502334 or email
Who can use the service?
Anyone living in Guildford can apply to use the service.
Careline customers include:
- older people
- people with physical or learning disabilities
- people at risk of falling
- people worried about bogus callers
- people coming out of hospital
- people at risk of domestic violence
How the scheme works
Careline staff visit to install the alarm and give you the pendant trigger. Pressing the button on the pendant trigger will alert operators who will respond as soon as you raise the alarm.
We ask you to give us names and telephone numbers of relatives, friends or neighbours who would be willing to help you in an emergency.
We can set up a keysafe to allow emergency services to get into your property. If you need help from the emergency services, the operator will call these straightaway.
How much does Careline cost?
There is a charge for the service, which includes connection, monitoring and upkeep. You will still be responsible for your telephone bill.
The standard analogue package (alarm unit and pendant) is £5.10 a week.
The standard digital package with sim (alarm unit and pendant) is £6.00 per week.
Six week free offer
If you've recently been discharged from hospital, or have been a victim of distraction burglary, you can get a free six week Careline and smoke alarm package.
This helps you keep your independence at a time when you may need some extra help. It's also an opportunity to try the Careline service and decide if it's something you want to keep for the future.
Please contact us for further details.
Other Careline and Telecare support
Careline can offer other triggers and sensors. Telecare is extra equipment linked to the alarm which can give help and support when needed.
Telecare equipment includes:
- falls detectors
- flood detector
- gas detector
- bed occupancy sensor
- bogus caller alert
- carbon monoxide detector