Premises licence applications recently received
Types of application
- a new application is usually one received for a premises that does not currently have a licence (one premises may have more than one licence)
- a variation application is where the premises licence holder has applied to change some of the conditions or details of their existing premises licence
- a minor variation application is where the premises licence holder has applied to make small changes to the licence that will not affect the licensing objectives
- a review is where one of the responsible authorities or interested parties has indicated that, in their opinion, a premises is not complying with one or more of the licensing objectives
Applications recently received
Unit 5
Station Approach
Application type: New
Representation date: 10 March 2025
Copies of the applications are also available to view at our licensing team office, Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford, GU2 4BB.
Comments can be made in writing to the above address, or submitted via email to
On the closing date for comments, any comments received after our office has closed to the public will not be accepted.
If you make a valid comment, your name and address will be made public as part of the record of hearing, should a hearing be necessary.
If a hearing is necessary because of the comments we receive, then the hearing will be heard by a Licensing Sub Committee. Anyone who made valid representation will be invited to attend the hearing.
Licensing objectives
- prevention of crime and disorder
- prevention of public nuisance
- public safety
- protection of children from harm
If you are considering making a representation, please read the current guidance (opens new window) issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003.