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Parking Standards for New Development SPD

Read the Parking Standards for New Development SPD. (PDF, 2 MB)

This SPD contains guidance for Local Plan policies that cover parking for new development.

It supersedes the 2006 Vehicle Parking Standards SPD.

The document contains: 

  • an overview of the relevant policies and wider policy context
  • parking standards for non-strategic sites
  • guidance on the application of standards for all sites
  • design guidance for all sites

We also carried out a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) screening.

Read our determination statement. (PDF, 374 KB)

We made the decision to adopt the SPD on 20 March 2023.

Read the meeting minutes (opens new window)

You may also wish to read our adoption statement (PDF, 85 KB) and consultation statement. (PDF, 202 KB)

Residential car parking standards calculator 

The calculator will help determine the level of car parking to be provided by new residential development.

The calculator follows:

  • Policy ID10 of the Local Plan: Development Management Policies (for strategic sites) 
  • Parking Standards for New Development SPD (for non-strategic sites)

It does not include calculations for parking standards set in adopted Neighbourhood Plans. These may take precedence over the Guildford Borough Council standards. 

The calculator is provided:

  • without prejudice to any decision the council may take in the future 
  • as a tool only. The results are not binding on the council or any of its committees

Download the residential car parking standards calculator (Excel doc, 1 MB)