Planning Contributions for Open Space
Policy ID6 of the Local Plan: Development Management Policies (Part 2 of the Local Plan) requires developments including 11 or more dwellings to provide or fund recreational open space (Section 106 contributions):
- on site, or
- as a financial contribution for developments not meeting the threshold for onsite provision in Policy ID6.
The SPD provides guidance on how these contributions are calculated and explains the different types of open space.
The tariff for financial contributions is updated annually to take account of inflation.
View the latest planning contributions for open space and Special Protection Area tariff.
Planning Contributions for Open Space in New Developments SPD
We made the decision to adopt the SPD on 8 August 2024 (opens new window), following a five-week public consultation (opens new window) between 8 May and 12 June 2024.
You may wish to read our adoption statement (PDF, 105 KB) and consultation statement (PDF, 227 KB).
We also carried out a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) screening. Read our determination statement (PDF, 1 MB).
Open space contributions calculator
We've prepared two calculators to help developers understand open space provision.
Financial contributions will be due where:
- a scheme does not meet the threshold for onsite provision in Policy ID6
- some or all of any required on-site open space is not provided
The open space contributions calculators:
- are not a comprehensive assessment of contributions
We may request those following full evaluation of a planning application.
Download the on-site open space contributions calculator (Excel doc, 26 KB)
Download the off-site open space financial contributions calculator (Excel doc, 27 KB)