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Your business rates account will be offline

From 15.30 on Thursday 6 March until Monday 10 March you won't be able to access your business rates account online. This is whilst we prepare annual bills. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Apply for or amend a premises licence

Apply for a variation of a designated premises supervisor

You can only apply to change the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) if you are the premises licence holder. 

  • if the licence is held in a company name, you must apply in the company name.
  • if the licence is held by an individual, you must apply as an individual.

We will reject applications that are submitted by anyone other than the premises licence holder.

If the proposed DPS has changed their address since getting their personal licence, you must ask them to update their personal licence before you can submit your application. 

The proposed DPS must also complete and sign a consent form as you will need to include this with your application.

Only one person can be named as the DPS for a premises, even if there is more than one personal licence holder present.

If the premises does not have a named DPS, then the premises cannot sell or supply alcohol.

As the DPS cannot always be at the premises to authorise each and every sale, they should put in writing the names of the staff who they authorise to sell alcohol. This list should be available on request to any licensing officer.

Will tacit consent apply? 

Yes. We have a target completion period of 56 days for this notice. This means if you have not heard from us by the end of this period you can act as though your application is granted. We aim to acknowledge your application and to begin processing it within this period.


The application fee is £23

Apply online

Apply for a variation of a designated premises supervisor (opens new window)

The application form must be completed by the licence holder. You can also complete the consent to be the DPS form online (opens new window). This must be completed by the proposed DPS who must hold a personal licence.

When you apply for a DPS the current DPS receives a copy. The completed form contains personal information. Sharing information from the application would be in breach of the Data Protection Act 1998. The licensee needs to to inform the DPS that the application has been made, without the need to share the specific details of the application. A full copy of the application form must be sent to police. The form will be amended via regulations as soon as possible to make this clear.