Apply for animal activity licences

Fees for your animal activity licence

Fees for animal activities licensing from 1 April 2024

Licence Type

Application Fee

Fee For Grant

Total Fee

Other Costs

Animal Boarding




Vet fees upon application and
as required for licence duration.

Home Boarding




Dog Day Care




Dog Breeding




Keeping Animals for Exhibition




Selling Animals as Pets




Hiring out horses




Each Additional Licence Activity




Each Additional Inspection



Advisory Visit



Variation to licence



Re-evaluation of rating



Variations to reduce the licensable activities
or numbers of animals



Transfer due to death of licensee



Varying a schedule of horses on a licence  £37.80 
Dangerous Wild Animals  New: £460.72
Renewal: £240.26
Zoos  New/renewal: £2683.16 


View the register of premises operating under a valid Animal Licence. (opens new window) The register covers all licences under the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 Act in our Borough.

How to pay 

Pay with a debit or credit card over the phone once you have emailed your forms to us. Call us on: 01483 505050