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Make a complaint to the council

What complaints do we deal with?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about anything we have done, or perhaps, not done. It might be about: 

  • failure to deliver a service​ 
  • delay in providing a service​ 
  • unsatisfactory quality of a service​ 
  • the behaviour of a member of our staff​ 
  • failure of our staff in following council policy​
  • the policy itself

Complaint policies

Complaints: Housing Tenants & Leaseholders   

The Housing Ombudsman published its complaint handling code (opens new window) in April 2024.  The codes outlines what you can and should expect from us as your landlord when you complain.  

A key part of the code is for us as your landlord to annually self-assess our performance against the code. 

Housing Ombudsman self-assessment form 2024 (PDF, 491 KB)

Annual Housing Complaints Report (PDF, 594 KB)