Council tax discounts and reductions

On 1 April 2025, the Empty Home and Second Home Premium charges will change. Find out more about the changes.

You'll usually have to pay council tax if you're 18 or over and own or rent a home. A full council tax bill is for at least two adults living in a home. Spouses and partners who live together are both responsible for paying the bill.

In some circumstances, adults living with you are not counted for council tax. If only one adult in your property is counted for council tax, you can receive a 25% discount on your bill. If none of the adults in your property are counted, you can receive a 50% discount on your bill.

If a property is unoccupied, or occupied by certain groups of people, it may qualify for a council tax exemption. This means you will not need to pay council tax on the property for the period of time where the exemption applies.

Click on one of the links to find out if you can receive a discount on your bill, or a council tax exemption for the property, and apply online:

Single person discount

If you are the only adult living in your home, you can apply for a 25% discount on your council tax bill.

Students and spouses

Find out if you need to register for your council tax exemption as a full time student.

Discretionary reductions

Find out more about discretionary reductions for council tax.

Properties that have been adapted for a disability

If you have adapted your home to help a disabled person living there, we might be able to reduce your council tax bill.

Empty homes

Find out about the long term empty homes premium charges and getting a property back into use.

Carers or those receiving care

Care workers, home carers and the person they are caring for may be able to pay less council tax.

People who are severely mentally impaired

If you have a severe mental impairment, you do not have to pay council tax and can apply for an exemption.

Empty properties as the resident has died

Find out about council tax reductions for empty properties if the resident has died.

Property annexes

If you live in an annexe, you might get a 50% reduction on your council tax bill. Find out how to apply for a reduction.

People in residential care or hospital

If you move into a care home, nursing home or hospital then you don't have to pay council tax.

Surrey County Council care leavers under 25

If you meet the criteria, we might be able to reduce or cancel your council tax bill for the year.

Apprentices or youth trainees

Apprentices and some young people are not counted when considering council tax. See what you need to do.

People who are detained or in prison

You can apply for a 25% discount on your council tax if a person living in your home goes to prison or is detained.

Diplomats or visiting armed forces

Diplomats, members of visiting forces and members of international headquarters can apply for council tax exemption.

Members of religious communities

Find out if you can apply for a 25% discount on your council tax if you are part of a religious community.

Mortgage repossession or bankruptcy

Find out about a council tax reduction for mortgage repossession or bankruptcy.

Properties where all occupants are under 18

If all the people living in a property are under 18, you don't have to pay council tax.

Unoccupied properties prohibited by law

Find out when an unoccupied property is exempt from council tax.

Unoccupied properties used by a charity

Find out about council tax reductions for unoccupied properties used by a charity.

Young adults who are in or leaving education

Find out if you can get a reduction on your council tax if you are a young adult in education.

Properties held for ministers of religion

An unoccupied property used by a minister of religion for the duties of their office is exempt from council tax.