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Slyfield community recycling centre closure

The Slyfield community recycling centre will be closed from 15 June to 30 June 2024 for essential maintenance. Find out more about alternative community recycling centres. (opens new window)

Latest planning policy news

Visit our local plan webpages to learn more about the local plan.

Local Nature Recovery Strategy

Surrey County Council has been designated as the 'Responsible Authority'. It's tasked with producing Surrey's Local Nature Recovery Strategy. We are a 'Supporting Authority'.  Find out more about the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (opens new window).

Planning for the Future

Consultation on the government's 'Planning for the Future' white paper (opens new window) ran until 29 October 2020.  Read our response to the 'Planning for the Future' document (PDF) [547KB] .

Changes to the current planning system

On 6th August 2020, the Government proposed changes to the current planning system (opens new window). Consultation ran until 1 October 2020.  Read our response to changes to the current planning system (PDF) [218KB] .

Changes to the Use Classes Order and General Permitted Development Order (GPDO)

Read about changes to the Use Classes order and GPDO