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Neighbourhood planning in West Clandon - more information

West Clandon Neighbourhood Area Application

West Clandon Parish Council applied for a neighbourhood area on 15 March 2019.

Read the application (PDF, 1 MB).

This application was not subject to a consultation. 

Officers recommended designating the neighbourhood area as proposed. Read their designation report (PDF, 1 MB).

Neighbourhood Plan Consultation 

West Clandon Parish Council produced the West Clandon Neighbourhood Plan and submitted it to us. We consulted on it between 12 May and 12 July 2021. 

Check the West Clandon Neighbourhood Plan Reg 16 consultation responses (PDF, 242 KB).

Check the submission plan and consultation documents. (opens new window)

Neighbourhood Plan Examination

The West Clandon Neighbourhood Plan has undergone independent examination. The examiner appointed to examine the plan was Andrew Mead BSc (Hons) MRTPI MIQ. See the Examiner's Report on the Neighbourhood Plan (PDF, 260 KB).

    The following documents are relevant to the examination: 

    The report suggested that some changes be made to the Plan before it proceeds to a referendum of the Neighbourhood Area.

    The Council has decided to accept the Examiner's recommendations to modify the West Clandon Neighbourhood Plan before proceeding to a referendum of eligible residents in the West Clandon Neighbourhood Area. 

    See the Decision Statement (PDF, 135 KB)to accept the Examiner's recommendations. 

    West Clandon Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

    The Plan must be put to a referendum of local voters before it can be formally 'made', or adopted, as part of our development plan. A referendum was held on 17 March 2022. A majority of residents voted in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan. It will form part of Guildford's Development Plan. We will use it to help decide on planning applications in the neighbourhood area.

    West Clandon Neighbourhood Plan Referendum documents: 

    Background information

    For more information on the last stages of making the neighbourhood plan, see the Neighbourhood planning information page.