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Find out about the Mayor of Guildford

Mayor's diary

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Mayor of Guildford, Councillor Sallie Barker MBE, and Deputy Mayor, Councillor Howard Smith


Thursday 13 March to Sunday 23 March 2025


Thursday 13 March

13:15             The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Howard Smith, attends the Queen Eleanor's C of E Junior School Year 3 Class Assembly at Queen Eleanor's C of E Junior School, Guildford.

18:15             The Deputy Mayor, accompanied by the Deputy Mayoress, Mrs Debbie Smith, attends the Rotary Club of Guildford Wey Schools Charity Concert at G Live, Guildford.


Saturday 15 March

18:50             The Deputy Mayor, accompanied by the Mayoress, attends the Guildford Chamber Choir Concert, Stabat Mater Music of Penitence & Hope, at Holy Trinity Church, Guildford.


Friday 21 March

17:15             The Deputy Mayor attends the Installation of the new High Sheriff of Surrey, Mr Peter Cluff at Guildford Cathedral.