Join the housing register

How to bid for social housing

You can view our advertised properties by using our Guildford Borough Council's housing portal. (opens new window)

Once you have completed your new application and uploaded your documents, we will process your application. 

Your application will be ready for us to process if you have:

  • completed your new online housing application
  • uploaded your documents

Once we process your application you will receive:

  • a notification in your housing register account and;
  • a letter of confirmation

You will then be able to log into your account and place a bid on available properties that meet your bedroom needs.

We advertise properties between Thursday and Sunday weekly. The adverts run from 12am on Thursday, and close every Sunday at 11.59pm.

Search for a home in Guildford (opens new window)

Our video will take you through the steps on how to place a bid on a property

View online our Tenancy Strategy 2020 (PDF, 706 KB).