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Slyfield community recycling centre closure

The Slyfield community recycling centre will be closed from 15 June to 30 June 2024 for essential maintenance. Find out more about alternative community recycling centres. (opens new window)

Find out about neighbourhood planning

What is neighbourhood planning?

Neighbourhood Planning is a way for communities to shape their local area. It can help them to: 

  • choose where new homes, shops and offices are built 
  • influence how new buildings look 
  • help shape the design and uses of open spaces 
  • grant planning permission for developments residents want 

Once Neighbourhood Plan policies pass a referendum, they become part of our Development Plan. This means they'll be used to help decide on planning applications.  

Neighbourhood Plans cannot prevent developments necessary to meet Guildford Borough's current and future needs.

Neighbourhood planning tools

There are three ways a community can use Neighbourhood Planning to meet its aims: 

Neighbourhood Plan 

Used to: 

  • establish and deliver a vision for the area 
  • set planning policies 
  • propose new uses for land 

If a Neighbourhood Plan passes a referendum, it will be used to help decide on planning applications.

Neighbourhood Development Order (NDO) 

Allows communities to grant up-front planning permission for some types of development. These are produced by parish and town councils or designated neighbourhood forums. 

Community Right to Build Order  

A type of NDO which can be produced by a community group. They can grant permission for small-scale community-led developments.

Neighbourhood planning in Guildford Borough

There are thirteen adopted neighbourhood areas in Guildford Borough. These areas have the power to create Neighbourhood Plans and Orders.  

Eight areas have Neighbourhood Plans which have already passed a referendum:

The other five areas are: 

Check the map of neighbourhood areas in Guildford Borough below:

Get involved in neighbourhood planning

If you already live in a neighbourhood area, check which neighbourhood planning measures are in place on our website. If not, you may wish to consider starting the process yourself, or talk to your parish council.  

Read the neighbourhood planningĀ guideĀ from Locality (opens new window)

We can provide guidance and technical help through the neighbourhood planning process. Contact customer services (opens new window) or call 01483 505050. 

In areas with parish councils, the parish council must lead on neighbourhood planning. In areas without parish councils, local people must apply to the council to designate a 'neighbourhood forum'.

Visit the following sites for more information: